eventsys.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
eventsys.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumEventObject Enumerates the event objects that are registered in the COM+ events store. |
IEventClass Associates a class of event objects with the event interface those objects implement. |
IEventClass2 Used to set and obtain data on event class objects. This interface extends the IEventClass interface. |
IEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IEventControl) |
IEventObjectChange Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store. |
IEventObjectChange2 Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store while including partition and application ID information. |
IEventObjectCollection Manages objects in an event objects collection. |
IEventProperty Associates a named event property with its value. |
IEventPublisher Registers, modifies, removes, and provides information about an event publisher. |
IEventSubscription Specifies information about the relationship between an event subscriber and an event to which it is subscribing. It is used by publisher filters. |
IEventSystem Provides access to the event data store. |
IFiringControl Fires an event to a single subscription. |
IMultiInterfaceEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IMultiInterfaceEventControl) |
IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter Manages a filtered subscription cache for an event method. |
IPublisherFilter Acts as a callback interface so that event publishers can control which subscribers receive event notifications or the order in which subscribers are notified. |
COMEVENTSYSCHANGEINFO Represents a system event structure, which contains the partition and application ID from which an event originated. |
EOC_ChangeType Indicates the nature of the change to an event object. |