In this article
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
eventsys.h contains the following programming interfaces:
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IEnumEventObject Enumerates the event objects that are registered in the COM+ events store.
IEventClass Associates a class of event objects with the event interface those objects implement.
IEventClass2 Used to set and obtain data on event class objects. This interface extends the IEventClass interface.
IEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IEventControl)
IEventObjectChange Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store.
IEventObjectChange2 Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store while including partition and application ID information.
IEventObjectCollection Manages objects in an event objects collection.
IEventProperty Associates a named event property with its value.
IEventPublisher Registers, modifies, removes, and provides information about an event publisher.
IEventSubscription Specifies information about the relationship between an event subscriber and an event to which it is subscribing. It is used by publisher filters.
IEventSystem Provides access to the event data store.
IFiringControl Fires an event to a single subscription.
IMultiInterfaceEventControl Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. (IMultiInterfaceEventControl)
IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter Manages a filtered subscription cache for an event method.
IPublisherFilter Acts as a callback interface so that event publishers can control which subscribers receive event notifications or the order in which subscribers are notified.
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COMEVENTSYSCHANGEINFO Represents a system event structure, which contains the partition and application ID from which an event originated.
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