faxroute.h header
This header is used by Fax Service. For more information, see:
faxroute.h contains the following programming interfaces:
FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification The fax service calls the FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification function to inform a fax routing extension DLL that a fax device has been removed from the fax server, or that a new fax device has been installed. |
FaxRouteDeviceEnable The FaxRouteDeviceEnable function allows a fax routing extension DLL to query, enable, or disable a fax routing method for a specific fax device. Each fax routing extension must export the FaxRouteDeviceEnable function. |
FaxRouteGetRoutingInfo The FaxRouteGetRoutingInfo function queries the fax routing extension DLL to obtain routing configuration data for a specific fax device. Each fax routing extension DLL must export the FaxRouteGetRoutingInfo function. |
FaxRouteInitialize The fax service calls the FaxRouteInitialize function once, each time the service starts, to initialize the fax routing extension DLL. Each fax routing extension DLL must export the FaxRouteInitialize function. |
FaxRouteSetRoutingInfo The FaxRouteSetRoutingInfo function modifies routing configuration data for a specific fax device. Each fax routing extension DLL must export the FaxRouteSetRoutingInfo function. |
PFAXROUTEADDFILE A fax routing method calls the FaxRouteAddFile callback function to add a file to the fax file list associated with a received fax document. |
PFAXROUTEDELETEFILE A fax routing method calls the FaxRouteDeleteFile callback function to delete a file from the fax file list associated with a received fax document. |
PFAXROUTEENUMFILE The FaxRouteEnumFile callback function receives the file names in the fax file list associated with a received fax document. |
PFAXROUTEENUMFILES A fax routing method calls the FaxRouteEnumFiles callback function to enumerate the files in the fax file list associated with a received fax document. |
PFAXROUTEGETFILE A fax routing method calls the FaxRouteGetFile callback function to retrieve the name of a specific file from the fax file list associated with a received fax document. |
PFAXROUTEMETHOD The FaxRouteMethod function is a placeholder for a function name defined by the fax routing extension DLL. This function executes a defined fax routing procedure. |
PFAXROUTEMODIFYROUTINGDATA A fax routing method calls the FaxRouteModifyRoutingData callback function to modify the routing data for a subsequent fax routing method. |
FAX_ROUTE The FAX_ROUTE structure contains information about a received fax document. The fax service passes the structure to a fax routing method in a call to the FaxRouteMethod function. |
FAX_ROUTE_CALLBACKROUTINES The FAX_ROUTE_CALLBACKROUTINES structure contains pointers to callback functions the fax service provides. |