In this article
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
loadperf.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Expand table
InstallPerfDllA Installs performance counter strings, as defined in an input .ini file, into the system registry. (ANSI)
InstallPerfDllW Installs performance counter strings, as defined in an input .ini file, into the system registry. (Unicode)
LoadPerfCounterTextStringsA Loads onto the computer the performance objects and counters defined in the specified initialization file. (ANSI)
LoadPerfCounterTextStringsW Loads onto the computer the performance objects and counters defined in the specified initialization file. (Unicode)
UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsA Unloads performance objects and counters from the computer for the specified application. (ANSI)
UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW Unloads performance objects and counters from the computer for the specified application. (Unicode)