mmiscapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Multimedia. For more information, see:
mmiscapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CloseDriver Closes an installable driver. |
DefDriverProc Provides default processing for any messages not processed by an installable driver. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver. (DefDriverProc) |
DriverCallback Calls a callback function, sends a message to a window, or unblocks a thread. The action depends on the value of the notification flag. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver. |
DrvDefDriverProc Provides default processing for any messages not processed by an installable driver. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver.D |
DrvGetModuleHandle Retrieves the instance handle of the module that contains the installable driver. This function is provided for compatibility with previous versions of Windows. |
GetDriverModuleHandle Retrieves the instance handle of the module that contains the installable driver. |
mmioAdvance The mmioAdvance function advances the I/O buffer of a file set up for direct I/O buffer access with the mmioGetInfo function. |
mmioAscend The mmioAscend function ascends out of a chunk in a RIFF file descended into with the mmioDescend function or created with the mmioCreateChunk function. |
mmioClose The mmioClose function closes a file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioCreateChunk The mmioCreateChunk function creates a chunk in a RIFF file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioDescend The mmioDescend function descends into a chunk of a RIFF file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. It can also search for a given chunk. |
mmioFlush The mmioFlush function writes the I/O buffer of a file to disk if the buffer has been written to. |
mmioGetInfo The mmioGetInfo function retrieves information about a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. This information allows the application to directly access the I/O buffer, if the file is opened for buffered I/O. |
mmioInstallIOProc The mmioInstallIOProc function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure and locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding four-character code. |
mmioInstallIOProcA The mmioInstallIOProc function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure. This function also locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding four-character code. (mmioInstallIOProcA) |
mmioInstallIOProcW The mmioInstallIOProcW (Unicode) function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure and locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding code. |
mmioOpen The mmioOpen function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. |
mmioOpenA The mmioOpen function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. (mmioOpenA) |
mmioOpenW The mmioOpenW (Unicode) function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. (mmioOpenW) |
mmioRead The mmioRead function reads a specified number of bytes from a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioRename The mmioRename function renames the specified file and contains parameters that modify strings containing a file name. |
mmioRenameA The mmioRename function renames the specified file. (mmioRenameA) |
mmioRenameW The mmioRenameW (Unicode) function renames the specified file and contains parameters that modify strings containing a file name. (mmioRenameW) |
mmioSeek The mmioSeek function changes the current file position in a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioSendMessage The mmioSendMessage function sends a message to the I/O procedure associated with the specified file. |
mmioSetBuffer The mmioSetBuffer function enables or disables buffered I/O, or changes the buffer or buffer size for a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioSetInfo The mmioSetInfo function updates the information retrieved by the mmioGetInfo function about a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. Use this function to terminate direct buffer access of a file opened for buffered I/O. |
mmioStringToFOURCC The mmioStringToFOURCC function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code and contains parameters that modify conversion. (mmioStringToFOURCCW) |
mmioStringToFOURCCA The mmioStringToFOURCC function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code. (mmioStringToFOURCCA) |
mmioStringToFOURCCW The mmioStringToFOURCCW (Unicode) function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code. (mmioStringToFOURCCW) |
mmioWrite The mmioWrite function writes a specified number of bytes to a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
OpenDriver Opens an instance of an installable driver and initializes the instance using either the driver's default settings or a driver-specific value. |
SendDriverMessage Sends the specified message to the installable driver. |
sndOpenSound Opens the specified sound event. |
DRIVERPROC Processes driver messages for the installable driver. DriverProc is a driver-supplied function. |
MMIOPROC The MMIOProc function is a custom input/output (I/O) procedure installed by the mmioInstallIOProc function. |
DRVCONFIGINFO Contains the registry key and value names associated with the installable driver. |
MMCKINFO The MMCKINFO structure contains information about a chunk in a RIFF file. |