msctf.h header
This header is used by Text Services Framework. For more information, see:
msctf.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumITfCompositionView The IEnumITfCompositionView interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of composition view objects. |
IEnumTfContexts The IEnumTfContexts interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of context objects. |
IEnumTfContextViews Not implemented. (IEnumTfContextViews) |
IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo The IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of display attribute information objects. |
IEnumTfDocumentMgrs The IEnumTfDocumentMgrs interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of document manager objects. |
IEnumTfFunctionProviders The IEnumTfFunctionProviders interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of function provider objects. |
IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by applications or textservices. This interface can be retrieved by ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::EnumProfiles and enumerates the registered profiles. |
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles The IEnumTfLanguageProfiles interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of language profiles. |
IEnumTfProperties The IEnumTfProperties interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of property objects. |
IEnumTfPropertyValue The IEnumTfPropertyValue interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of property values. |
IEnumTfRanges The IEnumTfRanges interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of range objects. |
IEnumTfUIElements The IEnumTfUIElements interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by applications or textservices. This interface can be retrieved by ITfUIElementMgr::EnumUIElements and enumerates the registered UI elements. |
ITextStoreACPServices The ITextStoreACPServices interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide various services to an ACP-based application. |
ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink The ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive a notification when the active language or text service changes. |
ITfCandidateListUIElement The ITfCandidateListUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that has the candidate list UI. |
ITfCandidateListUIElementBehavior This interface is implemented by a text service that has a candidate list UI and its UI can be controlled by the application. The application QI this interface from ITfUIElement and controls the candidate list behavior. |
ITfCategoryMgr The ITfCategoryMgr interface manages categories of objects for text services. The TSF manager implements this interface. |
ITfCleanupContextDurationSink The ITfCleanupContextDurationSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive notifications when a context cleanup operation is performed. |
ITfCleanupContextSink The ITfCleanupContextSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive notifications when a context cleanup operation occurs. This notification sink is installed by calling ITfSourceSingle::AdviseSingleSink with IID_ITfCleanupContextSink. |
ITfClientId The ITfClientId interface is implemented by the TSF manager. This interface is used to obtain a client identifier for TSF objects. An instance of this interface is obtained by querying the thread manager with IID_ITfClientId. |
ITfCompartment The ITfCompartment interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by clients (applications and text services) to obtain and set data in a TSF compartment. |
ITfCompartmentEventSink The ITfCompartmentEventSink interface is implemented by a client (application or text service) and used by the TSF manager to notify the client when compartment data changes. |
ITfCompartmentMgr The ITfCompartmentMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by clients (applications and text services) to obtain and manipulate TSF compartments. |
ITfComposition The ITfComposition interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to obtain data about and terminate a composition. An instance of this interface is provided by the ITfContextComposition::StartComposition method. |
ITfCompositionSink The ITfCompositionSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive a notification when a composition is terminated. |
ITfCompositionView The ITfCompositionView interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application to obtain data about a composition view. An instance of this interface is provided by one of the ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink methods. |
ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed The ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed interface is implemented by the TSF manager to enable and disable the processing of keystrokes. |
ITfContext The ITfContext interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by applications and text services to access an edit context. |
ITfContextComposition The ITfContextComposition interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to create and manipulate compositions. An instance of this interface is provided by ITfContext::QueryInterface with IID_ITfContextComposition. |
ITfContextKeyEventSink The ITfContextKeyEventSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive keyboard event notifications that occur in an input context. |
ITfContextOwner The ITfContextOwner interface is implemented by an application or a text service to receive text input without having a text store. An instance of this interface is obtained when the application calls the ITfSource::AdviseSink method. |
ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices The ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a context owner to manipulate compositions created by a text service. |
ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink The ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink interface is implemented by an application to receive composition-related notifications. |
ITfContextOwnerServices The ITfContextOwnerServices interface is implemented by the manager and used by a text service or application acting as context owners. |
ITfContextView The ITfContextView interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a client (application or text service) to obtain information about a context view. |
ITfCreatePropertyStore The ITfCreatePropertyStore interface is implemented by a text service to support persistence of property store data. |
ITfDisplayAttributeInfo The ITfDisplayAttributeInfo interface is implemented by a text service to provide display attribute data. This interface is used by any component, most often an application, that must determine how text displays. |
ITfDisplayAttributeMgr The ITfDisplayAttributeMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application to obtain and enumerate display attributes. Individual display attributes are accessed through the ITfDisplayAttributeInfo interface. |
ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink The ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive a notification when display attribute information is updated. |
ITfDisplayAttributeProvider The ITfDisplayAttributeProvider interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager to enumerate and obtain individual display attribute information objects. |
ITfDocumentMgr The ITfDocumentMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to create and manage text contexts. To obtain an instance of this interface call ITfThreadMgr::CreateDocumentMgr. |
ITfEditRecord The ITfEditRecord interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text edit sink to determine what was changed during an edit session. |
ITfEditSession The ITfEditSession interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to read and/or modify the text and properties of a context. |
ITfEditTransactionSink The ITfEditTransactionSink interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to support edit transactions. |
ITfFunction The ITfFunction interface is the base interface for the individual function interfaces. |
ITfFunctionProvider The ITfFunctionProvider interface is implemented by an application or text service to provide various function objects. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink The ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the profile changes. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to manipulate the language profile of one or more text services. |
ITfInputProcessorProfiles The ITfInputProcessorProfiles interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to manipulate the language profile of one or more text services. |
ITfInputProcessorProfilesEx This interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a text service or application to set the display description of the language profile. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileSubstituteLayout This interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application or text service to manipulate the substitute input locale identifier (keyboard layout) of a text service profile. |
ITfInsertAtSelection The ITfInsertAtSelection interface is implemented by the manager and is used by a text service to insert text or an embedded object in a context. The text service obtains this interface by calling ITfContext::QueryInterface. |
ITfKeyEventSink The ITfKeyEventSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive keyboard and focus event notifications. To install this event sink, call ITfKeystrokeMgr::AdviseKeyEventSink. |
ITfKeystrokeMgr The ITfKeystrokeMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by applications and text services to interact with the keyboard manager. |
ITfKeyTraceEventSink The ITfKeyTraceEventSink interface is implemented by an application or text service to receive key stroke event notifications before the event is processed by the target. |
ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink The ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the language profile changes. |
ITfMessagePump The ITfMessagePump interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application to obtain messages from the application message queue. |
ITfMouseSink The ITfMouseSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive mouse event notifications. A mouse event sink is installed with the ITfMouseTracker::AdviseMouseSink method of one of the ITfMouseTracker interfaces. |
ITfMouseTracker The ITfMouseTracker interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to manage mouse event notification sinks. An instance of this interface is obtained by querying an ITfContext object for IID_ITfMouseTracker. |
ITfMouseTrackerACP The ITfMouseTrackerACP interface is implemented by an application to support mouse event sinks. |
ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP The ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP interface is implemented by an application and used by the TSF manager to load properties asynchronously. |
ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink The ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications when keys are preserved, unpreserved, or when a preserved key description changes. |
ITfProperty The ITfProperty interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a client (application or text service) to modify a property value. |
ITfPropertyStore The ITfPropertyStore interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to provide non-static property values. An instance of this interface is passed to ITfProperty::SetValueStore. |
ITfQueryEmbedded The ITfQueryEmbedded interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a text service to determine if a context can accept an embedded object. |
ITfRange The ITfRange interface is used by text services and applications to reference and manipulate text within a given context. The interface ID is IID_ITfRange. |
ITfRangeACP The ITfRangeACP interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application character position (ACP)-based application to access and manipulate range objects. |
ITfRangeBackup The ITfRangeBackup interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to create a backup copy of the data contained in a range object. |
ITfReadingInformationUIElement The ITfCandidateListUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that has a UI for reading information UI at the near caret. |
ITfReadOnlyProperty The ITfReadOnlyProperty interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to obtain property data. |
ITfReverseConversion Performs a reverse conversion of a specified string. |
ITfReverseConversionList Represents a list of the keystroke sequences required to create a specified string. |
ITfReverseConversionMgr Provides access to ITfReverseConversion objects, which are used to perform reverse conversions. |
ITfSource The ITfSource interface is implemented by the TSF manager. It is used by applications and text services to install and uninstall advise sinks. |
ITfSourceSingle The ITfSourceSingle interface is implemented by the TSF manager. |
ITfStatusSink The ITfStatusSink interface supports changes to the global document status. This advise sink is installed by calling ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfStatusSink. A text service can optionally implement this interface. |
ITfTextEditSink The ITfTextEditSink interface supports completion of an edit session that involves read/write access. |
ITfTextInputProcessor The ITfTextInputProcessor interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to activate and deactivate the text service. |
ITfTextInputProcessorEx The ITfTextInputProcessorEx interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to activate and deactivate the text service. |
ITfTextLayoutSink The ITfTextLayoutSink interface supports the context layout change by an application. Install this advise sink by calling ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfTextLayoutSink. A text service can optionally implement this interface. |
ITfThreadFocusSink The ITfThreadFocusSink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications when the thread receives or loses the UI focus. |
ITfThreadMgr The ITfThreadMgr defines the primary object implemented by the TSF manager. ITfThreadMgr is used by applications and text services to activate and deactivate text services, create document managers, and maintain the document context focus. |
ITfThreadMgr2 The ITfThreadMgr2 defines the primary object implemented by the TSF manager. ITfThreadMgr2 is used by applications and text services to activate and deactivate text services, create document managers, and maintain the document context focus. |
ITfThreadMgrEventSink The ITfThreadMgrEventSink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications of certain thread manager events. Call the TSF manager ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfThreadMgrEventSink to install this advise sink. |
ITfThreadMgrEx The ITfThreadMgrEx interface is used by the application to activate the textservices with some flags. ITfThreadMgrEx can be obtained by QI from ITfThreadMgr. |
ITfToolTipUIElement The ITfToolTipUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that wants to show a tooltip on its UI. |
ITfTransitoryExtensionSink The ITfTransitoryExtensionSink interface is implemented by the application that uses Transitory Extension dim. The application can track the changes that happened in the transitory extension by using this sink interface. |
ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement The ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement interface is implemented by TSF manager which provides the UI of transitory extension. |
ITfUIElement The ITfUIElement interface is a base interface of the UIElement object and is implemented by a text service. |
ITfUIElementMgr The ITfUIElementMgr interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by an application or a text service. An application and a text service can obtain this interface by ITfThreadMgr::QueryInterface with IID_ITfUIElementMgr. |
ITfUIElementSink The ITfUIElementSink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the UI element is changed. |
TF_CreateCategoryMgr The TF_CreateCategoryMgr function creates a category manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage must be done carefully because the calling thread must maintain the reference count on an object that is owned by MSCTF.DLL. |
TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr The TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr function is used to create a display attribute manager object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles The TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles function is used to create a input processor profile object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateLangBarItemMgr The TF_CreateLangBarItemMgr function is used to create a language bar item manager object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateLangBarMgr The TF_CreateLangBarMgr function creates a language bar manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage of this method is not recommended, because the calling process must maintain a proper reference count on an object that is owned by Msctf.dll. |
TF_CreateThreadMgr The TF_CreateThreadMgr function creates a thread manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage of this method is not recommended, because the calling process must maintain a proper reference count on an object that is owned by Msctf.dll. |
TF_GetThreadMgr The TF_GetThreadMgr function obtains a copy of a thread manager object previously created within the calling thread. |
TF_DA_COLOR The TF_DA_COLOR structure contains color data used in the display attributes for a range of text. |
TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE The TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE structure contains display attribute data for rendering text. |
TF_HALTCOND The TF_HALTCOND structure is used to contain conditions of a range shift. |
TF_INPUTPROCESSORPROFILE This structure contains data for the input processor profile. |
TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE The TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE structure contains information about a language profile. |
TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ACP The TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ACP structure is used to provide property header data. |
TF_PRESERVEDKEY The TF_PRESERVEDKEY structure represents a preserved key. |
TF_PROPERTYVAL The TF_PROPERTYVAL structure contains property value data. This structure is used with the IEnumTfPropertyValue::Next method. |
TF_SELECTION The TF_SELECTION structure contains text selection data. |
TF_SELECTIONSTYLE The TF_SELECTIONSTYLE structure represents the style of a selection. |
TF_DA_ATTR_INFO Elements of the TF_DA_ATTR_INFO enumeration are used to specify text conversion data in the TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE structure. |
TF_DA_COLORTYPE Elements of the TF_DA_COLORTYPE enumeration specify the format of the color contained in the TF_DA_COLOR structure. |
TF_DA_LINESTYLE Elements of the TF_DA_LINESTYLE enumeration specify the underline style of a display attribute in the TF_DA_COLOR structure. |
TfActiveSelEnd Elements of the TfActiveSelEnd enumeration specify which end of a selected range of text is active. |
TfAnchor Elements of the TfAnchor enumeration specify the start anchor or end anchor of an ITfRange object. |
TfGravity Elements of the TfGravity enumeration specify the type of gravity associated with the anchor of an ITfRange object. |
TfLayoutCode Elements of the TfLayoutCode enumeration specify the type of layout change in an ITfTextLayoutSink::OnLayoutChange notification. |
TfShiftDir Elements of the TfShiftDir enumeration specify which direction a range anchor is moved. |