msopc.h header
This header is used by Packaging. For more information, see:
msopc.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IOpcCertificateEnumerator A read-only enumerator of pointers to CERT_CONTEXT structures. |
IOpcCertificateSet An unordered set of certificates to be used with a signature. |
IOpcDigitalSignature Represents a package digital signature. |
IOpcDigitalSignatureEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcDigitalSignature interface pointers. |
IOpcDigitalSignatureManager Provides access to Packaging Digital Signature Interfaces for a package that is represented by Packaging API objects. |
IOpcFactory Creates Packaging API objects and provides support for saving and loading packages. |
IOpcPackage Represents a package and provides methods to access the package's parts and relationships. |
IOpcPart Represents a part that contains data and is not a Relationships part. |
IOpcPartEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcPart interface pointers. |
IOpcPartSet An unordered set of IOpcPart interface pointers to part objects that represent the parts in a package that are not Relationships parts. |
IOpcPartUri Represents the part name of a part. |
IOpcRelationship Represents a relationship, which is a link between a source, which is a part or the package, and a target. |
IOpcRelationshipEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcRelationship interface pointers. |
IOpcRelationshipSelector Represents how to select, from a Relationships part, the relationships to be referenced for signing. |
IOpcRelationshipSelectorEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcRelationshipSelector interface pointers. |
IOpcRelationshipSelectorSet An unordered set of IOpcRelationshipSelector interface pointers that represent the selection criteria that is used to identify relationships for signing. |
IOpcRelationshipSet Represents a Relationships part as an unordered set of IOpcRelationship interface pointers to relationship objects. |
IOpcSignatureCustomObject Represents an application-specific Object element that has been or will be signed. |
IOpcSignatureCustomObjectEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcSignatureCustomObject interface pointers. |
IOpcSignatureCustomObjectSet An unordered set of IOpcSignatureCustomObject interface pointers that contain the XML markup of application-specific Object elements. |
IOpcSignaturePartReference Represents a reference to a part that has been or will be signed. |
IOpcSignaturePartReferenceEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcSignaturePartReference interface pointers. |
IOpcSignaturePartReferenceSet An unordered set of IOpcSignaturePartReference interface pointers that represent references to parts to be signed. |
IOpcSignatureReference Represents a reference to XML markup that has been or will be signed. |
IOpcSignatureReferenceEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcSignatureReference interface pointers. |
IOpcSignatureReferenceSet An unordered set of IOpcSignatureReference interface pointers that represent references to XML elements to be signed. |
IOpcSignatureRelationshipReference Represents a reference to a Relationships part that contains relationships that have been or will be signed. |
IOpcSignatureRelationshipReferenceEnumerator A read-only enumerator of IOpcSignatureRelationshipReference interface pointers. |
IOpcSignatureRelationshipReferenceSet An unordered set of IOpcSignatureRelationshipReference interface pointers that represent references to Relationships parts that contain relationships to be signed. |
IOpcSigningOptions Provides methods to set and access information required to generate a signature. |
IOpcUri Represents the URI of the package root or of a part that is relative to the package root. |
OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD Describes the canonicalization method to be applied to XML markup. |
OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION Describes the storage location of a certificate that is used in signing. |
OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS Describes ways to compress part content. |
OPC_READ_FLAGS Describes the read settings for caching package components and validating them against ECMA-376 OpenXML, 1st Edition, Part 2:_Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) conformance requirements. |
OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR Describes how to interpret the selectionCriterion parameter of the IOpcRelationshipSelector::GetSelectionCriterion method. |
OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION Describes whether a reference represented by the IOpcSignatureRelationshipReference interface refers to all or a subset of relationships represented as relationship objects in a relationship set object. |
OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT Describes how to interpret the signingTime parameter, which is a record of when a signature was created, of the IOpcDigitalSignature::GetSigningTime method. |
OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT Indicates the status of the signature. |
OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE Describes the read/write status of a stream. |
OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE Indicates the target mode of a relationship. |
OPC_WRITE_FLAGS Describes the encoding method that is used by the serialization object to produce the package. |