ntlsa.h header
This header is used by Security and Identity. For more information, see:
ntlsa.h contains the following programming interfaces:
LsaGetAppliedCAPIDs Returns an array of central access policies (CAPs) identifiers (CAPIDs) of all the CAPs applied on a specific computer. |
LsaLookupPrivilegeValue Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used by the Local Security Authority (LSA) to represent the specified privilege name. |
LsaQueryCAPs Returns the Central Access Policies (CAPs) for the specified IDs. |
LSA_FREE_LSA_HEAP Deallocates heap memory previously allocated by AllocateLsaHeap. |
CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY Represents a central access policy that contains a set of central access policy entries. |
CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY_ENTRY Represents a central access policy entry containing a list of security descriptors and staged security descriptors. |