oaidl.h header
This header is used by Automation. For more information, see:
oaidl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ICreateErrorInfo Returns error information. |
ICreateTypeInfo Provides the tools for creating and administering the type information defined through the type description. (ICreateTypeInfo) |
ICreateTypeInfo2 Provides the tools for creating and administering the type information defined through the type description. (ICreateTypeInfo2) |
ICreateTypeLib Provides the methods for creating and managing the component or file that contains type information. (ICreateTypeLib) |
ICreateTypeLib2 Provides the methods for creating and managing the component or file that contains type information. (ICreateTypeLib2) |
IDispatch Exposes objects, methods and properties to programming tools and other applications that support Automation. |
IEnumVARIANT Provides a method for enumerating a collection of variants, including heterogeneous collections of objects and intrinsic types. |
IErrorInfo Provides detailed contextual error information. |
IErrorLog Communicates detailed error information between a client and an object. |
IPropertyBag Provides an object with a property bag in which the object can save its properties persistently. |
IRecordInfo Describes the structure of a particular UDT. |
ISupportErrorInfo Ensures that error information can be propagated up the call chain correctly. Automation objects that use the error handling interfaces must implement ISupportErrorInfo. |
ITypeChangeEvents Enables clients to subscribe to type change notifications on objects that implement the ITypeInfo, ITypeInfo2, ICreateTypeInfo, and ICreateTypeInfo2 interfaces. |
ITypeComp The ITypeComp interface provides a fast way to access information that compilers need when binding to and instantiating structures and interfaces. |
ITypeInfo Used for reading information about objects. (ITypeInfo) |
ITypeInfo2 Used for reading information about objects. (ITypeInfo2) |
ITypeLib Represents a type library, the data that describes a set of objects. (ITypeLib) |
ITypeLib2 Represents a type library, the data that describes a set of objects. (ITypeLib2) |
BSTR_UserFree Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (BSTR_UserFree) |
BSTR_UserFree64 Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (BSTR_UserFree64) |
BSTR_UserMarshal Marshals a BSTR object into the RPC buffer. (BSTR_UserMarshal) |
BSTR_UserMarshal64 Marshals a BSTR object into the RPC buffer. (BSTR_UserMarshal64) |
BSTR_UserSize Calculates the wire size of the BSTR object, and gets its handle and data. (BSTR_UserSize) |
BSTR_UserSize64 Calculates the wire size of the BSTR object, and gets its handle and data. (BSTR_UserSize64) |
BSTR_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals a BSTR object from the RPC buffer. (BSTR_UserUnmarshal) |
BSTR_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals a BSTR object from the RPC buffer. (BSTR_UserUnmarshal64) |
VARIANT_UserFree Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (VARIANT_UserFree) |
VARIANT_UserFree64 Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (VARIANT_UserFree64) |
VARIANT_UserMarshal Marshals a VARIANT object into the RPC buffer. (VARIANT_UserMarshal) |
VARIANT_UserMarshal64 Marshals a VARIANT object into the RPC buffer. (VARIANT_UserMarshal64) |
VARIANT_UserSize Calculates the wire size of the VARIANT object, and gets its handle and data. (VARIANT_UserSize) |
VARIANT_UserSize64 Calculates the wire size of the VARIANT object, and gets its handle and data. (VARIANT_UserSize64) |
VARIANT_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals a VARIANT object from the RPC buffer. (VARIANT_UserUnmarshal) |
VARIANT_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals a VARIANT object from the RPC buffer. (VARIANT_UserUnmarshal64) |
ARRAYDESC Describes an array, its element type, and its dimension. |
BINDPTR Describes a pointer. |
CUSTDATA Represents custom data. |
CUSTDATAITEM Represents a custom data item. |
DISPPARAMS Contains the arguments passed to a method or property. |
ELEMDESC The ELEMDESC structure contains the type description and process-transfer information for a variable, a function, or a function parameter. (ELEMDESC) |
EXCEPINFO Describes an exception that occurred during IDispatch::Invoke. |
FUNCDESC Describes a function. (FUNCDESC) |
PARAMDESC Contains information needed for transferring a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes. |
PARAMDESCEX Contains information about the default value of a parameter. |
SAFEARRAY Represents a safe array. |
SAFEARRAYBOUND Represents the bounds of one dimension of the array. |
TLIBATTR Contains information about a type library. Information from this structure is used to identify the type library and to provide national language support for member names. |
TYPEATTR Contains attributes of a type. |
TYPEDESC Describes the type of a variable, the return type of a function, or the type of a function parameter. |
VARDESC Describes a variable, constant, or data member. |
VARIANT VARIANTARG describes arguments passed within DISPPARAMS, and VARIANT to specify variant data that cannot be passed by reference. |
CALLCONV Identifies the calling convention used by a member function described in the METHODDATA structure. |
DESCKIND Identifies the type description being bound to. |
FUNCFLAGS Specifies function flags. |
FUNCKIND Specifies the function type. |
INVOKEKIND Specifies the way a function is invoked. |
LIBFLAGS Defines flags that apply to type libraries. |
SYSKIND Identifies the target operating system platform. |
TYPEFLAGS The type flags. |
TYPEKIND Specifies a type. |
VARFLAGS Specifies variable flags. |
VARKIND Specifies the variable type. |