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Implement finance and operations apps - Training
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ocidl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAdviseSinkEx This interface is derived from IAdviseSink to provide extensions for notifying the sink of changes in an object's view status. |
IClassFactory2 Enables a class factory object, in any sort of object server, to control object creation through licensing. |
IConnectionPoint Supports connection points for connectable objects. (IConnectionPoint) |
IConnectionPointContainer Supports connection points for connectable objects. (IConnectionPointContainer) |
IEnumConnectionPoints Enumerates connection points. |
IEnumConnections Enumerates the current connections for a connectable object. |
IEnumOleUndoUnits Enumerates the undo units on the undo or redo stack. |
IFont Provides a wrapper around a Windows font object. |
IFontDisp Exposes a font object's properties through Automation. It provides a subset of the IFont methods. |
IObjectWithSite Provides a simple way to support communication between an object and its site in the container. |
IOleControl Provides the features for supporting keyboard mnemonics, ambient properties, and events in control objects. |
IOleControlSite Provides the methods that enable a site object to manage each embedded control within a container. |
IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless Enables a windowless object to process window messages and participate in drag and drop operations. It is derived from and extends the IOleInPlaceObject interface. |
IOleInPlaceSiteEx Provides an additional set of activation and deactivation notification methods that enable an object to avoid unnecessary flashing on the screen when the object is activated and deactivated. |
IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless Extends the IOleInPlaceSiteEx interface. |
IOleParentUndoUnit Enables undo units to contain child undo units. |
IOleUndoManager The IOleUndoManager interface enables containers to implement multi-level undo and redo operations for actions that occur within contained controls. |
IOleUndoUnit Serves as the main interface on an undo unit. An undo unit encapsulates the information necessary to undo or redo a single action. |
IPerPropertyBrowsing Retrieves the information in the property pages offered by an object. |
IPersistPropertyBag Works with IPropertyBag and IErrorlog to define an individual property-based persistence mechanism. |
IPersistStreamInit A replacement for IPersistStream that adds an initialization method. |
IPicture Manages a picture object and its properties. Picture objects provide a language-neutral abstraction for bitmaps, icons, and metafiles. |
IPictureDisp Exposes the picture object's properties through Automation. It provides a subset of the functionality available through IPicture methods. |
IPointerInactive Enables an object to remain inactive most of the time, yet still participate in interaction with the mouse, including drag and drop. |
IPropertyNotifySink Implemented by a sink object to receive notifications about property changes from an object that supports IPropertyNotifySink as an outgoing interface. |
IPropertyPage Provides the main features of a property page object that manages a particular page within a property sheet. |
IPropertyPage2 An extension to IPropertyPage to support initial selection of a property on a page. |
IPropertyPageSite Provides the main features for a property page site object. |
IProvideClassInfo Provides access to the type information for an object's coclass entry in its type library. |
IProvideClassInfo2 An extension to IProvideClassInfo that makes is faster and easier to retrieve an object's outgoing interface IID for its default event set. |
IProvideMultipleClassInfo An extension to IProvideClassInfo2 that makes it faster and easier to retrieve type information from a component that may have multiple coclasses that determine its behavior. |
IQuickActivate Enables controls and containers to avoid performance bottlenecks on loading controls. It combines the load-time or initialization-time handshaking between the control and its container into a single call. |
ISimpleFrameSite Provides simple frame controls that act as simple containers for other nested controls. |
ISpecifyPropertyPages Indicates that an object supports property pages. |
IViewObjectEx An extension derived from IViewObject2 to provide support for Enhanced, flicker-free drawing for non-rectangular objects and transparent objects, hit testing for non-rectangular objects, and Control sizing |
HPALETTE_UserFree Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files (HPALETTE_UserFree). |
HPALETTE_UserFree64 Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (HPALETTE_UserFree64) |
HPALETTE_UserMarshal Marshals an HPALETTE object into the RPC buffer. (HPALETTE_UserMarshal) |
HPALETTE_UserMarshal64 Marshals an HPALETTE object into the RPC buffer. (HPALETTE_UserMarshal64) |
HPALETTE_UserSize Calculates the wire size of the HPALETTE object and gets its handle and data. (HPALETTE_UserSize) |
HPALETTE_UserSize64 Calculates the wire size of the HPALETTE object and gets its handle and data. (HPALETTE_UserSize64) |
HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals an HPALETTE object from the RPC buffer. (HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal) |
HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals an HPALETTE object from the RPC buffer. (HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal64) |
CADWORD Specifies a counted array of values that can be used to obtain the value corresponding to one of the predefined strings for a property. |
CALPOLESTR Specifies a counted array of strings used to specify the predefined strings that a property can accept. |
CAUUID Specifies a counted array of UUID or GUID types used to receive an array of CLSIDs for the property pages that the object wants to display. |
CONNECTDATA Describes a connection that exists to a given connection point. |
CONTROLINFO Contains parameters that describe a control's keyboard mnemonics and keyboard behavior. The structure is populated during the IOleControl::GetControlInfo method. |
DVASPECTINFO Contains information that is used by the IViewObject::Draw method to optimize rendering of an inactive object by making more efficient use of the GDI. |
DVEXTENTINFO Represents the sizing data used in IViewObjectEx::GetNaturalExtent. |
LICINFO Contains parameters that describe the licensing behavior of a class factory that supports licensing. The structure is filled by calling the IClassFactory2::GetLicInfo method. |
POINTF Contains information that is used to convert between container units, expressed in floating point, and control units, expressed in HIMETRIC. |
PROPPAGEINFO Contains parameters used to describe a property page to a property frame. A property page fills a caller-provided structure in the IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo method. |
QACONTAINER Specifies container information for IQuickActivate::QuickActivate. |
QACONTROL Specifies control information for IQuickActivate::QuickActivate. |
ACTIVATEFLAGS Indicates whether an object is activated as a windowless object. It is used in IOleInPlaceSiteEx::OnInPlaceActivateEx. |
DVASPECT2 Specifies new drawing aspects used to optimize the drawing process. |
DVASPECTINFOFLAG Indicates whether an object can support optimized drawing of itself. |
DVEXTENTMODE Indicates whether the sizing mode is content or integral sizing. |
GUIDKIND Flags used to specify the kind of information requested from an object in the IProvideClassInfo2. |
HITRESULT Indicates whether a location is within the image of an object. |
OLEDCFLAGS Specifies additional information to the container about the device context that the object has requested. |
PICTUREATTRIBUTES Specifies attributes of a picture object as returned through the IPicture::get_Attributes method. |
POINTERINACTIVE Indicate the activation policy of the object and are used in the IPointerInactive::GetActivationPolicy method. |
QACONTAINERFLAGS Indicates ambient properties supplied by the container. It is used in the dwAmbientFlags member of the QACONTAINER structure. |
READYSTATE The ReadyState property retrieves the ReadyState of the MSWebDVD object. |
UASFLAGS Provides information about the parent undo unit. |
VIEWSTATUS Specifies the opacity of the object and the drawing aspects supported by the object. |
Learning path
Implement finance and operations apps - Training
Plan and design your project methodology to successfully implement finance and operations apps with FastTrack services, data management and more.