A Microsoft ActiveX control site implements this interface to enable a windowless ActiveX control that has a Microsoft Active Accessibility implementation to express its accessibility.
Retrieves the address of the IAccessible interface for the object that generated the event that is currently being processed by the client's event hook function.
Allows an assistive technology (AT) application to notify the system that it is interacting with UI through a Windows Automation API (such as Microsoft UI Automation) as a result of a touch gesture from the user.
Sets system values that indicate whether an assistive technology (AT) application's current state affects functionality that is typically provided by the system.
Retrieves a localized string that describes an object's state for a single predefined state bit flag. Because state values are a combination of one or more bit flags, clients call this function more than once to retrieve all state strings. (ANSI)
Retrieves a localized string that describes an object's state for a single predefined state bit flag. Because state values are a combination of one or more bit flags, clients call this function more than once to retrieve all state strings. (Unicode)
At Microsoft, we understand the power of technology, and that’s why we continue to innovate, create, and design in a way that gives everyone the ability to achieve more. Trainings like this learning path, which covers accessibility fundamentals, are an important and necessary part of Microsoft’s accessibility strategy to support customers of all abilities. Don’t forget to share your awards on social media after completing each module!