pla.h header
This header is used by Performance Logs and Alerts. For more information, see:
pla.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAlertDataCollector Monitors performance counters and performs actions each time a counter value crosses the specified threshold.To create the alert data collector, call the IDataCollectorCollection::CreateDataCollector or IDataCollectorCollection::CreateDataCollectorFromXml method. For details on the XML that you pass to CreateDataCollectorFromXml, see Remarks. |
IApiTracingDataCollector Logs Win32 calls to Kernel32.dll, Advapi32.dll, Gdi32.dll, and User32.dll. |
IConfigurationDataCollector Collects computer settings at the time of collection. |
IDataCollector Sets and retrieves collector properties using XML, specifies the log file name, and retrieves the location of the log file.This interface is an abstract class from which the following data collectors derive:IAlertDataCollectorIApiTracingDataCollectorIConfigurationDataCollectorIPerformanceCounterDataCollectorITraceDataCollector |
IDataCollectorCollection Manages a collection of DataCollector objects.To get this interface, access the IDataCollectorSet::DataCollectors property. |
IDataCollectorSet Manages the configuration information that is common to all data collector objects in the set; adds and removes data collectors from the set; and starts data collection. This is the primary PLA interface that you use. |
IDataCollectorSetCollection Manages a collection of DataCollectorSet objects.To get this interface, call the CoCreateInstance function, passing __uuidof(DataCollectorSetCollection) as the class identifier and __uuidof(IDataCollectorSetCollection) as the interface identifier.Then, to populate the collection, call the IDataCollectorSetCollection::GetDataCollectorSets method. |
IDataManager Manages data generated by the data collectors, including report generation, data retention policy, and data transfer.To get this interface, access the IDataCollectorSet::DataManager property. |
IFolderAction Specifies the actions that the data manager is to take on each folder under the data collector set's root path if both conditions (age and size) are met. To get this interface, call the IFolderActionCollection::CreateFolderAction method. |
IFolderActionCollection Manages a collection of FolderAction objects.To get this interface, access the IDataManager::FolderActions property. |
IPerformanceCounterDataCollector Specifies the performance counters to query and the log file to which the counter data is written.To create this data collector, call the IDataCollectorCollection::CreateDataCollector or IDataCollectorCollection::CreateDataCollectorFromXml method. |
ISchedule Specifies when the data collector set runs.To get this interface, call the IScheduleCollection::CreateSchedule method. |
IScheduleCollection Manages a collection of Schedule objects.To get this interface, access the IDataCollectorSet::Schedules property. |
ITraceDataCollector Collects trace events from registered providers.This interface defines the trace session. |
ITraceDataProvider Specifies a trace provider to enable in the trace session. |
ITraceDataProviderCollection Manages a collection of TraceDataProvider objects.To get this interface, access the ITraceDataCollector::TraceDataProviders property.You can also call the CoCreateInstance function to create a new instance of the TraceDataProviderCollection object. |
IValueMap Manages a collection of name/value pairs.To get this interface, access one of the following properties or methods:IDataCollector::SetXmlIDataCollectorSet::CommitIDataCollectorSet::SetXmlITraceDataProvider::KeywordsAllITraceDataProvider::KeywordsAnyITraceDataProvider::LevelITraceDataProvider::Properties |
IValueMapItem Defines a name/value pair.To get this interface, call the IValueMap::Item property. To create this interface, call the IValueMap::CreateValueMapItem method. |
AutoPathFormat Defines how to decorate the file name or subdirectory name. |
ClockType Defines the clock resolution to use when tracing events. |
CommitMode Defines the action to take when committing changes to the data collector set. |
DataCollectorSetStatus Defines the running status of the data collector set. |
DataCollectorType Defines the data collector types. |
DataManagerSteps Defines the actions that the data manager takes when it runs. |
FileFormat Defines the format of the data in the log file. |
FolderActionSteps Defines the action that the data manager takes when both the age and size limits are met. |
ResourcePolicy Defines how folders are deleted when one of the disk resource limits is exceeded. |
StreamMode Defines where the trace events are delivered. |
ValueMapType Defines the type of the value. |
WeekDays Defines the days of the week on which to run the data collector set. |