propidlbase.h header
This header is used by Structured Storage. For more information, see:
propidlbase.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG The IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG interface iterates through an array of STATPROPSETSTG structures containing statistical data about the property sets managed by the current IPropertySetStorage instance. |
IEnumSTATPROPSTG The IEnumSTATPROPSTG interface iterates through an array of STATPROPSTG structures containing statistical data about properties in a property set. |
IPropertyStorage The IPropertyStorage interface manages the persistent properties of a single property set. (IPropertyStorage interface) |
PROPSPEC The PROPSPEC structure is used by many of the methods of IPropertyStorage to specify a property either by its property identifier (ID) or the associated string name. |
PROPVARIANT The PROPVARIANT structure is used in the ReadMultiple and WriteMultiple methods of IPropertyStorage to define the type tag and the value of a property in a property set. |
STATPROPSETSTG The STATPROPSETSTG structure contains information about a property set. (STATPROPSETSTG structure) |
STATPROPSTG The STATPROPSTG structure contains data about a single property in a property set. This data is the property ID and type tag, and the optional string name that may be associated with the property. |