Creates a new page for a property sheet. (ANSI) |
Creates a new page for a property sheet. (Unicode) |
Destroys a property sheet page. An application must call this function for pages that have not been passed to the PropertySheet function. |
Creates a property sheet and adds the pages defined in the specified property sheet header structure. (ANSI) |
Creates a property sheet and adds the pages defined in the specified property sheet header structure. (Unicode) |
Adds a new page to the end of an existing property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_ADDPAGE message explicitly. |
Simulates the selection of the Apply button, indicating that one or more pages have changed and the changes need to be validated and recorded. You can use this macro or send the PSM_APPLY message explicitly. |
Used when changes made since the most recent PSN_APPLY notification cannot be canceled. You can also send a PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE message explicitly. |
Informs a property sheet that information in a page has changed. You can use this macro or send the PSM_CHANGED message explicitly. |
Enables or disables buttons in an Aero wizard. You can use this macro or send the PSM_ENABLEWIZBUTTONS message explicitly. |
Retrieves a handle to the window of the current page of a property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_GETCURRENTPAGEHWND message explicitly. |
Used by modeless property sheets to retrieve the information returned to modal property sheets by PropertySheet. You can use this macro or sent the PSM_GETRESULT message explicitly. |
Retrieves the handle to the tab control of a property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_GETTABCONTROL message explicitly. |
Takes a window handle of the property sheet page and returns its zero-based index. You can use this macro or send the PSM_HWNDTOINDEX message explicitly. |
Takes the resource identifier (ID) of a property sheet page and returns its zero-based index. You can use this macro or send the PSM_IDTOINDEX message explicitly. |
Takes the index of a property sheet page and returns its window handle. You can use this macro or send the PSM_INDEXTOHWND message explicitly. |
Takes the index of a property sheet page and returns its resource identifier (ID). You can use this macro or send the PSM_INDEXTOID message explicitly. |
Takes the index of a property sheet page and returns its HPROPSHEETPAGE handle. You can use this macro or send the PSM_INDEXTOPAGE message explicitly. |
Inserts a new page into an existing property sheet. The page can be inserted either at a specified index or after a specified page. You can use this macro or send the PSM_INSERTPAGE message explicitly. |
Passes a message to a property sheet dialog box and indicates whether the dialog box processed the message. You can use this macro or send the PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE message explicitly. |
Takes the HPROPSHEETPAGE handle of a property sheet page and returns its zero-based index. You can use this macro or send the PSM_PAGETOINDEX message explicitly. |
Simulates the selection of a property sheet button. You can use this macro or send the PSM_PRESSBUTTON message explicitly. |
Causes a property sheet to send the PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS message to each of its pages. You can use this macro or send the PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS message explicitly. |
Indicates the system needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. You can use this macro or send the PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message explicitly. |
Recalculates the page size of a standard or wizard property sheet after pages have been added or removed. You can use this macro or send the PSM_RECALCPAGESIZES message explicitly. |
Removes a page from a property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_REMOVEPAGE message explicitly. |
Sends a PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS message indicating that Windows needs to be restarted for changes to take effect. You can use this macro or send the PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS message explicitly. |
Sets the text of a button in an Aero wizard. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETBUTTONTEXT message explicitly. |
Activates the specified page in a property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETCURSEL message explicitly. |
Activates the specified page in a property sheet based on the resource identifier of the page. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETCURSELID message explicitly. |
Sets the text of the Finish button in a wizard, shows and enables the button, and hides the Next and Back buttons. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETFINISHTEXT message explicitly. |
Sets the subtitle text for the header of a wizard's interior page. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETHEADERSUBTITLE message explicitly. |
Sets the title text for the header of a wizard's interior page. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETHEADERTITLE message explicitly. |
Sets the text of the Next button in a wizard. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETNEXTTEXT message explicitly. |
Sets the title of a property sheet. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETTITLE message explicitly. |
Enables or disables the Back, Next, and Finish buttons in a wizard by posting a PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message explicitly. |
Show or hide buttons in a wizard. You can use this macro or send the PSM_SHOWWIZBUTTONS message explicitly. |
Informs a property sheet that information in a page has reverted to the previously saved state. You can use this macro or send the PSM_UNCHANGED message explicitly. |