richedit.h header
This header is used by Windows Controls. For more information, see:
richedit.h contains the following programming interfaces:
HyphenateProc The HyphenateProc function is an application�defined callback function used with the EM_SETHYPHENATEINFO message. It determines how hyphenation is done in a Microsoft Rich Edit control. |
AutoCorrectProc The AutoCorrectProc function is an application-defined callback function that is used with the EM_SETAUTOCORRECTPROC message. |
EDITSTREAMCALLBACK The EditStreamCallback function is an application defined callback function used with the EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT messages. |
EDITWORDBREAKPROCEX The EditWordBreakProcEx function is an application defined callback function used with the EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX message. |
BIDIOPTIONS Contains bidirectional information about a rich edit control. This structure is used by the EM_GETBIDIOPTIONS and EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS messages to get and set the bidirectional information for a control. |
CHARFORMAT2A The CHARFORMAT2A (ANSI) structure (richedit.h) contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. |
CHARFORMAT2A Contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. (CHARFORMAT2A) |
CHARFORMAT2W The CHARFORMAT2W (Unicode) structure (richedit.h) contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. |
CHARFORMAT2W Contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. (CHARFORMAT2W) |
CHARFORMATA Contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. (CHARFORMATA) |
CHARFORMATW Contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. (CHARFORMATW) |
CHARRANGE Specifies a range of characters in a rich edit control.If the cpMin and cpMax members are equal, the range is empty. The range includes everything if cpMin is 0 and cpMax is �1. |
CLIPBOARDFORMAT Specifies the clipboard format. This structure included with the EN_CLIPFORMAT notification. |
COMPCOLOR Contains color settings for a composition string. |
EDITSTREAM Contains information that an application passes to a rich edit control in a EM_STREAMIN or EM_STREAMOUT message. The rich edit control uses the information to transfer a stream of data into or out of the control. |
ENCORRECTTEXT Contains information about the selected text to be corrected. |
ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY Contains information about an EN_ENDCOMPOSITION notification code from a rich edit control. |
ENDROPFILES Contains information associated with an EN_DROPFILES notification code. A rich edit control sends this notification code when it receives a WM_DROPFILES message. |
ENLINK Contains information about an EN_LINK notification code from a rich edit control. |
ENLOWFIRTF Contains information about an unsupported Rich Text Format (RTF) keyword in a Microsoft Rich Edit control. |
ENOLEOPFAILED Contains information about a failed operation. |
ENPROTECTED Contains information associated with an EN_PROTECTED notification code. A rich edit control sends this notification when the user attempts to edit protected text. |
ENSAVECLIPBOARD Contains information about objects and text on the clipboard. |
FINDTEXTA Contains information about a search operation in a rich edit control. This structure is used with the EM_FINDTEXT message. (ANSI) |
FINDTEXTEXA Contains information about text to search for in a rich edit control. This structure is used with the EM_FINDTEXTEX message. (ANSI) |
FINDTEXTEXW Contains information about text to search for in a rich edit control. This structure is used with the EM_FINDTEXTEX message. (Unicode) |
FINDTEXTW Contains information about a search operation in a rich edit control. This structure is used with the EM_FINDTEXT message. (Unicode) |
FORMATRANGE Information that a rich edit control uses to format its output for a particular device. This structure is used with the EM_FORMATRANGE message. |
GETCONTEXTMENUEX Contains context menu information that is passed to the IRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu method. |
GETTEXTEX Contains information used in getting text from a rich edit control. This structure used with the EM_GETTEXTEX message. |
GETTEXTLENGTHEX Contains information about how the text length of a rich edit control should be calculated. This structure is passed in the wParam in the EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX message. |
HYPHENATEINFO Contains information about hyphenation in a Microsoft Rich Edit control. |
HYPHRESULT Contains information about the result of hyphenation in a Microsoft Rich Edit control. |
IMECOMPTEXT Contains information about the Input Method Editor (IME) composition text in a Microsoft Rich Edit control. |
MSGFILTER Contains information about a keyboard or mouse event. A rich edit control sends this structure to its parent window as part of an EN_MSGFILTER notification code, enabling the parent to change the message or prevent it from being processed. |
NMHDR The NMHDR (richedit.h) structure contains information about a notification message. |
OBJECTPOSITIONS Contains object position information. |
PARAFORMAT Contains information about paragraph formatting attributes in a rich edit control. (PARAFORMAT) |
PARAFORMAT2 Contains information about paragraph formatting attributes in a rich edit control.P |
PARAFORMAT2 Contains information about paragraph formatting attributes in a rich edit control. (PARAFORMAT2) |
PUNCTUATION Contains information about the punctuation used in a rich edit control. |
REPASTESPECIAL Contains information identifying whether the display aspect of a pasted object should be based on the content of the object or the icon that represent the object. |
REQRESIZE Contains the requested size of a rich edit control. A rich edit control sends this structure to its parent window as part of an EN_REQUESTRESIZE notification code. |
RICHEDIT_IMAGE_PARAMETERS Defines the attributes of an image to be inserted by the EM_INSERTIMAGE message. |
SELCHANGE Contains information associated with an EN_SELCHANGE notification code. A rich edit control sends this notification to its parent window when the current selection changes. |
SETTEXTEX Specifies which code page (if any) to use in setting text, whether the text replaces all the text in the control or just the selection, and whether the undo state is to be preserved. This structure is used with the EM_SETTEXTEX message. |
TABLECELLPARMS Defines the attributes of cells in a table row. |
TABLEROWPARMS Defines the attributes of rows in a table. |
TEXTRANGEA A range of text from a rich edit control. This structure is filled in by the EM_GETTEXTRANGE message. The buffer pointed to by the lpstrText member must be large enough to receive all characters and the terminating null character. (ANSI) |
TEXTRANGEW A range of text from a rich edit control. This structure is filled in by the EM_GETTEXTRANGE message. The buffer pointed to by the lpstrText member must be large enough to receive all characters and the terminating null character. (Unicode) |
KHYPH Contains values used to specify how to do hyphenation in a rich edit control. The HyphenateProc callback function uses this enumeration type. |
TEXTMODE Indicates the text mode of a rich edit control. The EM_SETTEXTMODE and EM_GETTEXTMODE messages use this enumeration type. |
UNDONAMEID Contains values that indicate types of rich edit control actions that can be undone or redone. The EM_GETREDONAME and EM_GETUNDONAME messages use this enumeration type to return a value. |