rpcasync.h header
This header is used by Remote Procedure Call (RPC). For more information, see:
rpcasync.h contains the following programming interfaces:
I_RpcExceptionFilter Determines whether an exception is fatal or non-fatal |
RpcAsyncAbortCall The server calls RpcAsyncAbortCall to abort an asynchronous call. |
RpcAsyncCancelCall The client calls the RpcAsyncCancelCall function to cancel an asynchronous call. |
RpcAsyncCompleteCall The client and the server call the RpcAsyncCompleteCall function to complete an asynchronous remote procedure call. |
RpcAsyncGetCallHandle The RpcAsyncGetCallHandle macro returns the binding handle on an asynchronous remote procedure call. |
RpcAsyncGetCallStatus The client calls the RpcAsyncGetCallStatus function to determine the current status of an asynchronous remote call. |
RpcAsyncInitializeHandle The client calls the RpcAsyncInitializeHandle function to initialize the RPC_ASYNC_STATE structure to be used to make an asynchronous call. |
RpcAsyncRegisterInfo The RpcAsyncRegisterInfo function is obsolete. |
RpcBindingBind The RpcBindingBind function contacts an RPC server and binds to it. |
RpcBindingUnbind Unbinds a binding handle previously bound by RpcBindingBind. |
RpcErrorAddRecord The RpcErrorAddRecord function adds extended error information to a chain of extended error information records. |
RpcErrorClearInformation The RpcErrorClearInformation function clears all extended error information on the current thread. |
RpcErrorEndEnumeration The RpcErrorEndEnumeration function ends enumeration of extended error information and frees all resources allocated by RPC for the enumeration. |
RpcErrorGetNextRecord The RpcErrorGetNextRecord function retrieves the next extended error information record for an enumeration handle. |
RpcErrorGetNumberOfRecords The RpcErrorGetNumberOfRecords function returns the number of records in the extended error information. |
RpcErrorLoadErrorInfo The RpcErrorLoadErrorInfo function converts a BLOB obtained by a call to RpcErrorSaveErrorInfo into extended error information. |
RpcErrorResetEnumeration The RpcErrorResetEnumeration function resets an enumeration cursor for any in-process enumeration, resetting the process such that a subsequent call to the RpcErrorGetNextRecord retrieves the first extended error information record. |
RpcErrorSaveErrorInfo The RpcErrorSaveErrorInfo function returns all error information for an enumeration handle as a BLOB. |
RpcErrorStartEnumeration The RpcErrorStartEnumeration function begins enumeration of extended error information. |
RpcFreeAuthorizationContext The RpcFreeAuthorizationContext function frees an Authz context obtained by a previous call to the RpcGetAuthorizationContextForClient function. |
RpcGetAuthorizationContextForClient The RpcGetAuthorizationContextForClient function returns the Authz context for an RPC client that can be used with Authz functions for high-performance authentication. Supported for ncalrpc and ncacn_* protocol sequences only. |
RpcServerInqCallAttributesA The RpcServerInqCallAttributes function is an RPC server call that obtains client security context attributes. (ANSI) |
RpcServerInqCallAttributesW The RpcServerInqCallAttributes function is an RPC server call that obtains client security context attributes. (Unicode) |
RpcServerSubscribeForNotification Subscribes the server for RPC notifications. |
RpcServerUnsubscribeForNotification Unsubscribes the server from RPC notifications. |
RpcSsContextLockExclusive The RpcSsContextLockExclusive function enables an application to begin using a context handle in exclusive mode. |
RpcSsContextLockShared The RpcSsContextLockShared function enables an application to begin using a context handle in shared mode. |
RPCNOTIFICATION_ROUTINE The RPCNOTIFICATION_ROUTINE function provides programs that utilize asynchronous RPC with the ability to customize responses to asynchronous events. |
RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO Contains notification information for asynchronous remote procedure calls. This notification information can be configured for I/O completion ports (IOC), Windows asynchronous procedure calls (APC), Windows messaging, and Windows event notification. |
RPC_ASYNC_STATE The RPC_ASYNC_STATE structure holds the state of an asynchronous remote procedure call. RPC_ASYNC_STATE is a handle to this structure, used to wait for, query, reply to, or cancel asynchronous calls. |
RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_A The RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1 structure provides parameters to the RpcServerInqCallAttributes function. Implemented in ANSI and UNICODE versions for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. (ANSI) |
RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_W The RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1 structure provides parameters to the RpcServerInqCallAttributes function. Implemented in ANSI and UNICODE versions for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. (Unicode) |
RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_A The RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2 structure provides parameters to the RpcServerInqCallAttributes function. Version 2 specifies support for local addresses and client process IDs. (ANSI) |
RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_W The RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2 structure provides parameters to the RpcServerInqCallAttributes function. Version 2 specifies support for local addresses and client process IDs. (Unicode) |
RPC_CALL_LOCAL_ADDRESS_V1 Contains information about the local address on which a call was made. |
RPC_EE_INFO_PARAM The RPC_EE_INFO_PARAM structure is used to store extended error information. |
RPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE The RPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE structure provides an enumeration handle used by RpcError* functions for processing extended error information. |
RPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO The RPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO structure is used to store extended error information. |
RPC_ASYNC_EVENT The RPC_ASYNC_EVENT enumerated type describes the asynchronous notification events that an RPC application can receive. |
RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES The RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES enumerated type contains values that specify the method of asynchronous notification that a client program will use. |
RPC_NOTIFICATIONS The RPC_NOTIFICATIONS enumeration specifies the notifications a server can receive from RPC. |
RpcCallClientLocality Specifies the set of possible RPC client localities. |
RpcCallType Specifies the set of RPC call types. |
RpcLocalAddressFormat Specifies the possible local IP address formats supported by RPC. |