rpcnsi.h header
This header is used by Remote Procedure Call (RPC). For more information, see:
rpcnsi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
RpcNsBindingExportA The RpcNsBindingExport function establishes a name service�database entry with multiple binding handles and multiple objects for a server. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingExportPnPA The RpcNsBindingExportPnP function establishes a name-service database entry with multiple binding handles and multiple objects for a server that supports Plug and Play. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingExportPnPW The RpcNsBindingExportPnP function establishes a name-service database entry with multiple binding handles and multiple objects for a server that supports Plug and Play. (Unicode) |
RpcNsBindingExportW The RpcNsBindingExport function establishes a name service�database entry with multiple binding handles and multiple objects for a server. (Unicode) |
RpcNsBindingImportBeginA The RpcNsBindingImportBegin function creates an import context for importing client-compatible binding handles for servers that offer the specified interface and object. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingImportBeginW The RpcNsBindingImportBegin function creates an import context for importing client-compatible binding handles for servers that offer the specified interface and object. (Unicode) |
RpcNsBindingImportDone The RpcNsBindingImportDone function signals that a client has finished looking for a compatible server and deletes the import context. |
RpcNsBindingImportNext The RpcNsBindingImportNext function looks up an interface (and optionally an object from a name-service database) and returns a binding handle of a compatible server, if found. |
RpcNsBindingLookupBeginA The RpcNsBindingLookupBegin function creates a lookup context for an interface and an object. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingLookupBeginW The RpcNsBindingLookupBegin function creates a lookup context for an interface and an object. (Unicode) |
RpcNsBindingLookupDone The RpcNsBindingLookupDone function signifies that a client has finished looking for compatible servers and deletes the lookup context. |
RpcNsBindingLookupNext The RpcNsBindingLookupNext function returns a list of compatible binding handles for a specified interface and optionally an object. |
RpcNsBindingSelect The RpcNsBindingSelect function returns a binding handle from a list of compatible binding handles. |
RpcNsBindingUnexportA The RpcNsBindingUnexport function removes the binding handles for an interface and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingUnexportPnPA The RpcNsBindingUnexportPnP function removes the binding handles for Plug and Play interfaces and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (ANSI) |
RpcNsBindingUnexportPnPW The RpcNsBindingUnexportPnP function removes the binding handles for Plug and Play interfaces and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (Unicode) |
RpcNsBindingUnexportW The RpcNsBindingUnexport function removes the binding handles for an interface and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (Unicode) |
RpcNsEntryExpandNameA The RpcNsEntryExpandName function expands a name-service entry name. This function is supported by Active Directory. (ANSI) |
RpcNsEntryExpandNameW The RpcNsEntryExpandName function expands a name-service entry name. This function is supported by Active Directory. (Unicode) |
RpcNsEntryObjectInqBeginA The RpcNsEntryObjectInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for the objects of a name-service database entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsEntryObjectInqBeginW The RpcNsEntryObjectInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for the objects of a name-service database entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsEntryObjectInqDone The RpcNsEntryObjectInqDone function deletes the inquiry context for a name-service database entry's objects. |
RpcNsEntryObjectInqNext The RpcNsEntryObjectInqNext function returns one object at a time from a name-service database entry. |
RpcNsGroupDeleteA The RpcNsGroupDelete function deletes a group attribute. (ANSI) |
RpcNsGroupDeleteW The RpcNsGroupDelete function deletes a group attribute. (Unicode) |
RpcNsGroupMbrAddA The RpcNsGroupMbrAdd function adds an entry name to a group. If necessary, it creates the entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsGroupMbrAddW The RpcNsGroupMbrAdd function adds an entry name to a group. If necessary, it creates the entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsGroupMbrInqBeginA The RpcNsGroupMbrInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for viewing group members. (ANSI) |
RpcNsGroupMbrInqBeginW The RpcNsGroupMbrInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for viewing group members. (Unicode) |
RpcNsGroupMbrInqDone The RpcNsGroupMbrInqDone function deletes the inquiry context for a group. |
RpcNsGroupMbrInqNextA The RpcNsGroupMbrInqNext function returns one entry name from a group at a time. (ANSI) |
RpcNsGroupMbrInqNextW The RpcNsGroupMbrInqNext function returns one entry name from a group at a time. (Unicode) |
RpcNsGroupMbrRemoveA The RpcNsGroupMbrRemove function removes an entry name from a group. (ANSI) |
RpcNsGroupMbrRemoveW The RpcNsGroupMbrRemove function removes an entry name from a group. (Unicode) |
RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexportA The RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexport function removes multiple binding handles and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (ANSI) |
RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexportW The RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexport function removes multiple binding handles and objects from an entry in the name-service database. (Unicode) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryCreateA The RpcNsMgmtEntryCreate function creates a name service�database entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryCreateW The RpcNsMgmtEntryCreate function creates a name service�database entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryDeleteA The RpcNsMgmtEntryDelete function deletes a name service�database entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryDeleteW The RpcNsMgmtEntryDelete function deletes a name service�database entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIdsA The RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIds function returns the list of interfaces exported to a name service�database entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIdsW The RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIds function returns the list of interfaces exported to a name service�database entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsMgmtHandleSetExpAge The RpcNsMgmtHandleSetExpAge function sets the expiration age of a name-service handle for local copies of name-service data. |
RpcNsMgmtInqExpAge The RpcNsMgmtInqExpAge function returns the global expiration age for local copies of name-service data. |
RpcNsMgmtSetExpAge The RpcNsMgmtSetExpAge function modifies the application's global expiration age for local copies of name-service data. |
RpcNsProfileDeleteA The RpcNsProfileDelete function deletes a profile attribute. (ANSI) |
RpcNsProfileDeleteW The RpcNsProfileDelete function deletes a profile attribute. (Unicode) |
RpcNsProfileEltAddA The RpcNsProfileEltAdd function adds an element to a profile. If necessary, it creates the entry. (ANSI) |
RpcNsProfileEltAddW The RpcNsProfileEltAdd function adds an element to a profile. If necessary, it creates the entry. (Unicode) |
RpcNsProfileEltInqBeginA The RpcNsProfileEltInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements in a profile. (ANSI) |
RpcNsProfileEltInqBeginW The RpcNsProfileEltInqBegin function creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements in a profile. (Unicode) |
RpcNsProfileEltInqDone The RpcNsProfileEltInqDone function deletes the inquiry context for viewing the elements in a profile. |
RpcNsProfileEltInqNextA The RpcNsProfileEltInqNext function returns one element at a time from a profile. (ANSI) |
RpcNsProfileEltInqNextW The RpcNsProfileEltInqNext function returns one element at a time from a profile. (Unicode) |
RpcNsProfileEltRemoveA The RpcNsProfileEltRemove function removes an element from a profile. (ANSI) |
RpcNsProfileEltRemoveW The RpcNsProfileEltRemove function removes an element from a profile. (Unicode) |