sensapi.h header
This header is used by System Event Notification Service. For more information, see:
sensapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IsDestinationReachableA The IsDestinationReachable function determines whether or not a specified destination can be reached, and provides Quality of Connection (QOC) information for a destination. (ANSI) |
IsDestinationReachableW The IsDestinationReachable function determines whether or not a specified destination can be reached, and provides Quality of Connection (QOC) information for a destination. (Unicode) |
IsNetworkAlive The IsNetworkAlive function determines whether or not a local system is connected to a network, and identifies the type of network connection, for example, a LAN, WAN, or both. |
QOCINFO The QOCINFO structure is returned by the IsDestinationReachable function and provides Quality of Connection information to the caller. |