shlobj.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
shlobj.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IActiveDesktopP Exposes methods that manage the Windows Desktop. |
IADesktopP2 Provides methods to manage the Windows Desktop. |
IColumnProvider Exposes methods that enable the addition of custom columns in the Windows Explorer Details view. |
ICopyHookA Exposes a method that creates a copy hook handler. (ANSI) |
ICopyHookW Exposes a method that creates a copy hook handler. (Unicode) |
ICurrentWorkingDirectory Exposes methods that enable a client to retrieve or set an object's current working directory. |
IDefViewFrame Used only for its IUnknown functionality. It has no methods of its own. |
IDockingWindowFrame Exposes methods that support the addition of IDockingWindow objects to a frame. Implemented by the browser. |
IDocViewSite Used as a site object by the IShellView interface. |
IFileViewerA Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a registered file viewer to be notified when it must show or print a file. (ANSI) |
IFileViewerSite Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a file viewer to retrieve the handle to the current pinned window, or to set a new pinned window. |
IFileViewerW Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a registered file viewer to be notified when it must show or print a file. (Unicode) |
INewShortcutHookA Exposes methods to create a new Internet shortcut. (ANSI) |
INewShortcutHookW Exposes methods to create a new Internet shortcut. (Unicode) |
IShellFolderBand IShellFolderBand may be altered or unavailable. |
IShellImageStore Deprecated. Exposes methods that manipulate the image cache. |
IThumbnailCapture Exposes a method that obtains a thumbnail representation of an HTML wallpaper. |
DriveType The DriveType function determines the drive type based on the drive number. (DriveType function) |
GetFileNameFromBrowse The GetFileNameFromBrowse function creates an Open dialog box so that the user can specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open. |
PathIsSlowA PathIsSlow may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
PathIsSlowW PathIsSlow may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
PathProcessCommand Deprecated. Processes a string that contains a command line and generates a suitably quoted string, with arguments attached if required. |
PerUserInit Creates My Documents and other special folders, initializes them as needed, and creates the Send To shortcut menu item for My Documents. |
SHChangeNotifyRegisterThread Enables asynchronous register and deregister of a thread. |
SHCreatePropSheetExtArray SHCreatePropSheetExtArray may be altered or unavailable. |
SHCreateQueryCancelAutoPlayMoniker Deprecated. Creates a QueryCancelAutoPlay class moniker, which can then be used to register the IQueryCancelAutoPlay handler in the running object table (ROT). |
SHLoadOLE Deprecated. Provided for backward compatibility. |
SHMultiFileProperties Displays a merged property sheet for a set of files. Property values common to all the files are shown while those that differ display the string (multiple values). |
SHOpenPropSheetA SHOpenPropSheet may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHOpenPropSheetW SHOpenPropSheet may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHRunControlPanel Opens a Control Panel item. |
SoftwareUpdateMessageBox Displays a standard message box that can be used to notify a user that an application has been updated. |
AASHELLMENUFILENAME A variable-size structure that contains information about a menu file name. |
AASHELLMENUITEM Contains information about a menu item. (AASHELLMENUITEM) |
BANDINFOSFB Contains information about a folder band. This structure is used with the IShellFolderBand::GetBandInfoSFB and IShellFolderBand::SetBandInfoSFB methods. |
FVSHOWINFO Contains information that the file viewer uses to display a file. |
SFV_SETITEMPOS Stores position information for an item. Used with message SFVM_SETITEMPOS. |
SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList structure |
SHCOLUMNDATA Contains information that identifies a particular file. It is used by IColumnProvider::GetItemData when requesting data for a particular file. |
SHCOLUMNINFO Contains information about the properties of a column. It is used by IColumnProvider::GetColumnInfo. |
SHCOLUMNINIT Passes initialization information to IColumnProvider::Initialize. |
TBINFO Used with the SFVM_GETBUTTONINFO notification to specify the number of buttons to add to the toolbar, as well as how they're added. |