tdh.h header
This trace data helper (TDH) header is used by Event Tracing. For more information, see:
tdh.h contains the following programming interfaces:
EMI_MAP_FORMAT Macro that retrieves the event map format. |
EMI_MAP_INPUT Macro that retrieves the event map input. |
EMI_MAP_NAME Macro that retrieves the event map name. |
EMI_MAP_OUTPUT Macro that retrieves the event map output. |
PEI_PROVIDER_NAME Macro that retrieves the Provider Event Info (PEI) name. |
PFI_FIELD_MESSAGE Macro that retrieves the Provider Field Information (PFI) field message. |
PFI_FIELD_NAME Macro that retrieves the Provider Field Information (PFI) field name. |
PFI_FILTER_MESSAGE Macro that filters the Provider Field Information (PFI) field message. |
PFI_PROPERTY_NAME Macro that retrieves the Provider Field Information (PFI) property name. |
TdhAggregatePayloadFilters Aggregates multiple payload filters for a single provider into a single data structure for use with the EnableTraceEx2 function. |
TdhCleanupPayloadEventFilterDescriptor Frees the aggregated structure of payload filters created using the TdhAggregatePayloadFilters function. |
TdhCloseDecodingHandle Frees any resources associated with the input decoding handle. |
TdhCreatePayloadFilter Creates a single filter for a single payload to be used with the EnableTraceEx2 function. |
TdhDeletePayloadFilter Frees the memory allocated for a single payload filter by the TdhCreatePayloadFilter function. |
TdhEnumerateManifestProviderEvents Retrieves the list of events present in the provider manifest. |
TdhEnumerateProviderFieldInformation Retrieves the specified field metadata for a given provider. |
TdhEnumerateProviderFilters Enumerates the filters that the specified provider defined in the manifest. |
TdhEnumerateProviders Retrieves a list of providers that have registered a MOF class or manifest file on the computer. |
TdhEnumerateProvidersForDecodingSource Retrieves a list of providers that have registered a MOF class or manifest file on the computer. |
TdhFormatProperty Formats a property value for display. |
TdhGetDecodingParameter Retrieves the value of a decoding parameter. |
TdhGetEventInformation Retrieves metadata about an event. |
TdhGetEventMapInformation Retrieves information about the event map contained in the event. |
TdhGetManifestEventInformation Retrieves metadata about an event in a manifest. |
TdhGetProperty Retrieves a property value from the event data. |
TdhGetPropertySize Retrieves the size of one or more property values in the event data. |
TdhGetWppMessage Retrieves the formatted WPP message embedded into an EVENT_RECORD structure. |
TdhGetWppProperty Retrieves a specific property associated with a WPP message. |
TdhLoadManifest Loads the manifest used to decode a log file. |
TdhLoadManifestFromBinary Takes a NULL-terminated path to a binary file that contains metadata resources needed to decode a specific event provider. |
TdhLoadManifestFromMemory Loads the manifest from memory. |
TdhOpenDecodingHandle Opens a decoding handle. |
TdhQueryProviderFieldInformation Retrieves information for the specified field from the event descriptions for those field values that match the given value. |
TdhSetDecodingParameter Sets the value of a decoding parameter. |
TdhUnloadManifest Unloads the manifest that was loaded by the TdhLoadManifest function. |
TdhUnloadManifestFromMemory Unloads the manifest from memory. |
TEI_ACTIVITYID_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) activity ID name. |
TEI_CHANNEL_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) channel name. |
TEI_EVENT_MESSAGE Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) message. |
TEI_KEYWORDS_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) keywords name. |
TEI_LEVEL_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) level name. |
TEI_MAP_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) map name. |
TEI_OPCODE_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) opcode name. |
TEI_PROPERTY_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) property name. |
TEI_PROVIDER_MESSAGE Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) provider message. |
TEI_PROVIDER_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) provider name. |
TEI_RELATEDACTIVITYID_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) related activity ID name. |
TEI_TASK_NAME Macro that retrieves the Trace Event Information (TEI) task name. |
EVENT_MAP_ENTRY Defines a single value map entry. |
EVENT_MAP_INFO Defines the metadata about the event map. |
EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO Provides information about a single property of the event or filter. |
PAYLOAD_FILTER_PREDICATE Defines an event payload filter predicate that describes how to filter on a single field in a trace session. |
PROPERTY_DATA_DESCRIPTOR Defines the property to retrieve. |
PROVIDER_ENUMERATION_INFO Defines the array of providers that have registered a MOF or manifest on the computer. |
PROVIDER_EVENT_INFO Defines an array of events in a provider manifest. |
PROVIDER_FIELD_INFO Defines the field information. |
PROVIDER_FIELD_INFOARRAY Defines metadata information about the requested field. |
PROVIDER_FILTER_INFO Defines a filter and its data. |
TDH_CONTEXT Defines the additional information required to parse an event. |
TRACE_EVENT_INFO Defines the information about the event. |
TRACE_PROVIDER_INFO Defines the GUID and name for a provider. |
_TDH_IN_TYPE Defines the supported [in] types for a trace data helper (TDH). |
_TDH_OUT_TYPE Defines the supported [out] types for a trace data helper (TDH). |
DECODING_SOURCE Defines the source of the event data. |
EVENT_FIELD_TYPE Defines the provider information to retrieve. |
MAP_FLAGS Defines constant values that indicate if the map is a value map, bitmap, or pattern map. |
MAP_VALUETYPE Defines if the value map value is in a ULONG data type or a string. |
PAYLOAD_OPERATOR Defines the supported payload operators for a trace data helper (TDH). |
PROPERTY_FLAGS Defines if the property is contained in a structure or array. |
TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE Defines the context type. |
TEMPLATE_FLAGS Defines constant values that indicates the layout of the event data. |