timeprov.h header
This header is used by System Services. For more information, see:
timeprov.h contains the following programming interfaces:
TimeProvClose A callback function that is called by the time provider manager to shut down the time provider. |
TimeProvCommand A callback function that is called by the time provider manager to send commands to the time provider. |
TimeProvOpen A callback function that is called by the time provider manager when the time provider DLL is loaded. |
AlertSamplesAvailFunc Notifies the system that there are new time samples available. |
GetTimeSysInfoFunc Retrieves the system time state information. |
LogTimeProvEventFunc Logs a time provider event in the event log. |
SetProviderStatusFunc Sets the time provider's status information. |
SetProviderStatusInfoFreeFunc Frees a SetProviderStatusInfo structure. |
SetProviderStatusInfo A structure that is used by the SetProviderStatusFunc function. |
TimeProvSysCallbacks Contains pointers to functions for use by the time provider. |
TimeSample Represents a time sample. |
TpcGetSamplesArgs A structure that is used by the TimeProvCommand function. |