TUISPIDLLCALLBACK callback function (tspi.h)
The DllCallbackProc function is called by the UI DLL to send a private parameter block to the service provider. Each invocation of the callback results in a call to the TSPI_providerGenericDialogData function in the service provider associated with the specified object. The contents of the parameter block are defined by the service provider and UI DLL. The service provider can modify the contents of the parameter block; when this function returns, TAPI copies the modified data back into the original UI DLL parameter block.
The TUISPIDLLCALLBACK type defines a pointer to this callback function. DllCallbackProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
TUISPIDLLCALLBACK Tuispidllcallback;
LONG Tuispidllcallback(
DWORD dwObjectType,
LPVOID lpParams,
DWORD dwSize
An object identifier of the type specified by dwObjectType.
One of the TUISPIDLL_OBJECT_ constants, specifying the type of object identified by dwObjectID
The dwObjectID parameter is a line device identifier (dwDeviceID). This is used when the callback is invoked during the processing of TUISPI_lineConfigDialog or TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit.
The dwObjectID parameter is a phone device identifier (dwDeviceID). This is used when the callback is invoked during the processing of TUISPI_phoneConfigDialog.
The dwObjectID parameter is a permanent provider identifier. This is used when the callback is invoked during the processing of TUISPI_providerConfig, TUISPI_providerInstall, or TUISPI_providerRemove.
The dwObjectID parameter is an HDRVDIALOGINSTANCE, as returned to the service provider when it sent a LINE_CREATEDIALOGINSTANCE message. This is used when the callback is invoked during the processing of TUISPI_providerGenericDialog.
Pointer to a memory area used to hold a parameter block.
The size in bytes of the parameter block.
Returns zero if successful, or one of these negative error values:
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | tspi.h |