tssbx.h header
This header is used by Remote Desktop Services. For more information, see:
tssbx.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IWTSSBPlugin Used to extend the capabilities of Terminal Services Session Broker (TS�Session Broker). Implement this interface when you want to provide a plug-in that overrides the redirection logic of TS�Session Broker. |
WTSSBX_IP_ADDRESS Contains information about the IP address of a network resource. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_CONNECT_INFO Contains information about a computer that is accepting remote connections. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_INFO Contains information about a computer and its current state. |
WTSSBX_SESSION_INFO Contains information about sessions that are available to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY Contains values that indicate the address family of a network address that is being used for redirection. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN Contains values that indicate the drain state of a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE Contains values that indicate the session mode of a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE Contains values that indicate the current state of a server. |
WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE Contains values that indicate the type of status change that occurred on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or a user session. |
WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE Contains values that indicate the connection state of a user session. |