wbemcli.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator WMI Provider
- Remote Desktop Services
- Windows Data Access Components WMI Provider
- Windows Management Instrumentation
- Windows Sidebar
wbemcli.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumWbemClassObject The IEnumWbemClassObject interface is used to enumerate Common Information Model (CIM) objects and is similar to a standard COM enumerator. |
IMofCompiler The IMofCompiler interface, implemented by Mofd.dll, provides a COM interface that is used by the Managed Object Format (MOF) compiler and any other applications that compile MOF files. |
IUnsecuredApartment The IUnsecuredApartment interface is used to simplify the process of making asynchronous calls from a client process. |
IWbemBackupRestore The IWbemBackupRestore interface backs up and restores the contents of the WMI repository. |
IWbemBackupRestoreEx The IWbemBackupRestoreEx interface backs up and restores the contents of the repository. |
IWbemCallResult Used for semisynchronous calls of the IWbemServices interface. When making such calls, the called IWbemServices method returns immediately, along with an IWbemCallResult object. |
IWbemClassObject Contains and manipulates both class definitions and class object instances. |
IWbemConfigureRefresher The IWbemConfigureRefresher interface is used by client code to add enumerators, objects, and nested refreshers into a refresher. |
IWbemContext The IWbemContext interface is optionally used to communicate additional context information to providers when submitting IWbemServices calls to WMI. All primary calls in IWbemServices take an optional parameter pointing to an object of this type. |
IWbemHiPerfEnum Used in refresher operations to provide rapid access to enumerations of instance objects. |
IWbemLocator Use the IWbemLocator interface to obtain the initial namespace pointer to the IWbemServices interface for WMI on a specific host computer. |
IWbemObjectAccess Provides access to the methods and properties of an object. |
IWbemObjectSink The IWbemObjectSink interface creates a sink interface that can receive all types of notifications within the WMI programming model. |
IWbemObjectSinkEx Creates a sink interface that can receive all types of notifications within the WMI programming model. |
IWbemObjectTextSrc The IWbemObjectTextSrc interface is used to translate IWbemClassObject instances to and from differing text formats. |
IWbemQualifierSet Acts as a container for the entire set of named qualifiers for a single property or entire object (a class or instance). |
IWbemRefresher Provides an entry point through which refreshable objects such as enumerators or refresher objects, can be refreshed. |
IWbemServices Used by clients and providers to access WMI services. The interface is implemented by WMI and WMI providers, and is the primary WMI interface. |
IWbemShutdown The IWbemShutdown interface indicates to the provider that an instance of an object is ready to be discarded. The provider can use this call to release resources that it is referencing currently. |
IWbemStatusCodeText The IWbemStatusCodeText interface extracts text string descriptions of error codes or the name of the subsystem where the error occurred. |
IWbemUnsecuredApartment Allows client applications to determine whether Unsecapp.exe performs access checks on asynchronous callbacks. |
WBEM_COMPILE_STATUS_INFO Describes an error for the IMofCompiler interface. |
CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION Defines values that specify different CIM data types. |
WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS Contains flags used for the IWbemBackupRestore::Restore method and the IWbemBackupRestoreEx::Restore method. |
WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE Contains method parameter flags. |
WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG Contains flags that define the comparison to perform when using the IWbemClassObject::CompareTo method. |
WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS Contains option flags for IMofCompiler methods. |
WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE Contains flags used with the IWbemClassObject::GetNames method. |
WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS Contains flags for the IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method. |
WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE Lists qualifier flavors. |
WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE Contains general-purpose method parameter flags. |
WBEM_GENUS_TYPE Contains constants used to distinguish between classes and instances. |
WBEM_LIMITS Defines some limit values. |
WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE Contains flags used to define a query or enumerator. |
WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS Contains flags that modify the behavior of refresher methods. |
WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS Contains flags used for setting security access levels. |
WBEM_STATUS_TYPE Describes the status of an asynchronous operation. |
WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE Contains flags to control the execution of the IWbemClassObject::GetObjectText method. |
WBEM_TIMEOUT_TYPE Contains values used to specify the timeout for the IEnumWbemClassObject::Next method. |
WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE Used to control access checks on callbacks when using the IWbemUnsecuredApartment::CreateSinkStub method. |
WBEMSTATUS Contains error and status codes returned by methods in the WMI API. |
WMI_OBJ_TEXT Defines the valid object text formats to be used by SWbemObjectEx.GetText_. |