wdsclientapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Deployment Services. For more information, see:
wdsclientapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WdsCliAuthorizeSession Converts a session with a WDS server into an authenticated session. |
WdsCliCancelTransfer Cancels a WDS transfer operation. |
WdsCliClose Closes a handle to a WDS session or image, and releases resources. |
WdsCliCreateSession Starts a new session with a WDS server. |
WdsCliFindFirstImage Starts the enumeration of images stored on a WDS server and returns a find handle that references the first image. |
WdsCliFindNextImage Advances the reference of a find handle to the next image stored on a WDS server. |
WdsCliFreeStringArray This function can be used to free the array of string values that gets allocated by the WdsCliObtainDriverPackages function. |
WdsCliGetDriverQueryXml This function generates an XML string which can be used to query a WDS server for driver packages using the WdsCliObtainDriverPackagesEx function. |
WdsCliGetEnumerationFlags Returns the image enumeration flag for the current image handle. |
WdsCliGetImageArchitecture Returns the processor architecture for the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageDescription Returns a description of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageGroup Returns the name of the image group for the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageHalName Returns the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) name for the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageHandleFromFindHandle Returns an image handle for the current image in an image enumeration. |
WdsCliGetImageHandleFromTransferHandle Returns an image handle from a completed transfer handle. The handle is to the local copy of the image that's been transferred from the server to the client. |
WdsCliGetImageIndex Returns the index within the Windows Imaging Format(WIM) file for the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageLanguage Returns the default language of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageLanguages Returns an array of languages supported by the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageLastModifiedTime Returns the last-modification time of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageName Returns the name of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageNamespace Returns the namespace of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImagePath Returns the path to the file that contains the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageSize Returns the size of the current image. |
WdsCliGetImageVersion Returns the version of the current image. |
WdsCliGetTransferSize Returns the size of the current file transfer. |
WdsCliInitializeLog Initializes logging for the WDS client. |
WdsCliLog Sends a log event to the WDS server. |
WdsCliObtainDriverPackages This function obtains from a WDS image, the driver packages (INF files) that can be used on this computer. |
WdsCliObtainDriverPackagesEx This function obtains the driver packages (INF files) that are applicable to the specified WDS driver query XML. |
WdsCliRegisterTrace Registers a callback function that will receive debugging messages. |
WdsCliTransferFile Transfers a file from a WDS server to the WDS client using a multicast transfer protocol. |
WdsCliTransferImage Transfers an image from a WDS server to the WDS client. |
WdsCliWaitForTransfer Waits for an image or file transfer to complete. |
PFN_WdsCliCallback Defines a callback function that WDS can call for progress notification and error messages during a file or image transfer. |
PFN_WdsCliTraceFunction Defines a callback function that can receive debugging messages from the WDS client. |
WDS_CLI_CRED Contains credentials used to authorize a client session. |
__unnamed_enum_1 The __unnamed_enum_1 (wdsclientapi.h) enumeration is used by the WdsCliLog function. |
__unnamed_enum_2 The __unnamed_enum_2 (wdsclientapi.h) enumeration is used by the WdsCliLog function. |