webauthn.h header
Provides Win32 apps with APIs for communicating to Windows Hello and external security keys as part of WebAuthN and CTAP specifications.
View the constants available in the WebAuthN API.
webauthn.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WebAuthNAuthenticatorGetAssertion Produces an assertion signature representing an assertion by the authenticator that the user has consented to a specific transaction. |
WebAuthNAuthenticatorMakeCredential Creates a public key credential source bound to a managing authenticator and returns the credential public key associated with its credential private key. |
WebAuthNCancelCurrentOperation Terminates operation currently in progress in the authenticator session. |
WebAuthNDeletePlatformCredential Removes a credential source stored on an authenticator. |
WebAuthNFreeAssertion Frees a previously allocated WebAuthN assertion. |
WebAuthNFreeCredentialAttestation Frees a previously allocated credential attestation. |
WebAuthNFreePlatformCredentialList Frees the allocation for the platform credential list. |
WebAuthNGetApiVersionNumber Gets the API version number. |
WebAuthNGetCancellationId Gets the cancellation ID for a canceled operation. |
WebAuthNGetErrorName Gets the error name for an error code. |
WebAuthNGetPlatformCredentialList Gets the list of stored credentials. |
WebAuthNGetW3CExceptionDOMError Gets the W3C DOM error code for the last failed operation. |
WebAuthNIsUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable Determines if the platform authenticator service is available. |
WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION A structure that contains the data necessary to verify an assertion. |
WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_GET_ASSERTION_OPTIONS A structure that contains the options to get an assertion. |
WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_MAKE_CREDENTIAL_OPTIONS The options for the WebAuthNAuthenticatorMakeCredential operation. |
WEBAUTHN_CLIENT_DATA A structure containing the client data that is sent to the authenticator. |
WEBAUTHN_COMMON_ATTESTATION The structure containing the common data for an attestation. |
WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETER The structure containing the COSE credential parameter information. |
WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETERS The structure containing the COSE parameters for a credential. |
WEBAUTHN_CRED_BLOB_EXTENSION The blob extension data for a credential. |
WEBAUTHN_CRED_PROTECT_EXTENSION_IN Contains the credential protect extension information. |
WEBAUTHN_CRED_WITH_HMAC_SECRET_SALT The structure containing the credential with SALT values. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL Contains information about a credential. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_ATTESTATION Contains the attestation data for a credential. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_DETAILS Contains the data for a credential. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_EX Data about a credential with extra information. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_LIST The list of credentials that the user has registered with the authenticator. |
WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIALS The array of credentials that the user has registered with the authenticator. |
WEBAUTHN_EXTENSION Contains information about an extension. |
WEBAUTHN_EXTENSIONS Contains a list of extensions. |
WEBAUTHN_GET_CREDENTIALS_OPTIONS Contains the options for the WebAuthNGetPlatformCredentialsList function. |
WEBAUTHN_HMAC_SECRET_SALT Contains the SALT values for the Hmac-Secret. |
WEBAUTHN_HMAC_SECRET_SALT_VALUES Contains the SALT values for the HMAC secret. |
WEBAUTHN_RP_ENTITY_INFORMATION Information about the Relying Party. |
WEBAUTHN_USER_ENTITY_INFORMATION Information about a user entity. |
WEBAUTHN_X5C The X.509 certificate chain. |