IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo method (wia_xp.h)
Applications use the IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo method to enumerate property information for each available Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) device.
HRESULT EnumDeviceInfo(
[in] LONG lFlag,
[out, retval] IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO **ppIEnum
[in] lFlag
Type: LONG
Specifies the types of WIA devices to enumerate. Should be set to WIA_DEVINFO_ENUM_LOCAL.
[out, retval] ppIEnum
Receives the address of a pointer to the IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO interface.
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
The IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo method creates an enumerator object, that supports the IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO interface. IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo stores a pointer to the IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO interface in the parameter ppIEnum. Applications can use the IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO interface pointer to enumerate the properties of each WIA device attached to the user's computer.
Applications must call the IUnknown::Release method on the interface pointers they receive through the ppIEnum parameter.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only] |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | wia_xp.h (include Wia.h) |
Library | Wiaguid.lib |
DLL | Wiaservc.dll |