ws2tcpip.h header
This header is used by Windows Sockets 2. For more information, see:
ws2tcpip.h contains the following programming interfaces:
freeaddrinfo Frees address information that the getaddrinfo function dynamically allocates in addrinfo structures. |
FreeAddrInfoEx The FreeAddrInfoEx function (ws2tcpip.h) frees address information that the GetAddrInfoEx function dynamically allocates in addrinfoex structures. |
FreeAddrInfoExW The FreeAddrInfoExW (Unicode) function (ws2tcpip.h) frees address information that the GetAddrInfoEx function dynamically allocates in addrinfoex structures. |
FreeAddrInfoW Frees address information that the GetAddrInfoW function dynamically allocates in addrinfoW structures. |
gai_strerrorA The gai_strerror function assists in printing error messages based on the EAI_* errors returned by the getaddrinfo function. (ANSI) |
gai_strerrorW The gai_strerror function assists in printing error messages based on the EAI_* errors returned by the getaddrinfo function. (Unicode) |
getaddrinfo Provides protocol-independent translation from an ANSI host name to an address. |
GetAddrInfoExA Provides protocol-independent name resolution with additional parameters to qualify which namespace providers should handle the request. (ANSI) |
GetAddrInfoExCancel Cancels an asynchronous operation by the GetAddrInfoEx function. |
GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult Gets the return code for an OVERLAPPED structure used by an asynchronous operation for the GetAddrInfoEx function. |
GetAddrInfoExW Provides protocol-independent name resolution with additional parameters to qualify which namespace providers should handle the request. (Unicode) |
GetAddrInfoW Provides protocol-independent translation from a Unicode host name to an address. |
getipv4sourcefilter Retrieves the multicast filter state for an IPv4 socket. |
getnameinfo Provides protocol-independent name resolution from an address to an ANSI host name and from a port number to the ANSI service name. |
GetNameInfoW Provides protocol-independent name resolution from an address to a Unicode host name and from a port number to the Unicode service name. |
getsourcefilter Retrieves the multicast filter state for an IPv4 or IPv6 socket. |
inet_ntop The InetNtop function converts an IPv4 or IPv6 Internet network address into a string in Internet standard format. The ANSI version of this function is inet_ntop. (InetNtopA or inet_ntop) |
inet_pton The InetPton function converts an IPv4 or IPv6 Internet network address in its standard text presentation form into its numeric binary form. The ANSI version of this function is inet_pton. (InetPtonA or inet_pton) |
InetNtopW The InetNtop function converts an IPv4 or IPv6 Internet network address into a string in Internet standard format. The ANSI version of this function is inet_ntop. (InetNtopW) |
InetPtonW The InetPton function converts an IPv4 or IPv6 Internet network address in its standard text presentation form into its numeric binary form. The ANSI version of this function is inet_pton. (InetPtonW) |
SetAddrInfoExA Registers or deregisters a name, a service name, and associated addresses with a specific namespace provider. (ANSI) |
SetAddrInfoExW Registers or deregisters a name, a service name, and associated addresses with a specific namespace provider. (Unicode) |
setipv4sourcefilter Sets the multicast filter state for an IPv4 socket. |
setsourcefilter Sets the multicast filter state for an IPv4 or IPv6 socket. |
WSADeleteSocketPeerTargetName Removes the association between a peer target name and an IP address for a socket. After a successful return, there will be no future association between the IP address and the target name. |
WSAGetFailConnectOnIcmpError Queries the state of the TCP_FAIL_CONNECT_ON_ICMP_ERROR socket option. |
WSAGetIcmpErrorInfo Retrieves information about an ICMP error received on a TCP socket during connection setup. |
WSAGetIPUserMtu Retrieves the user-defined IP layer MTU for a socket. |
WSAGetRecvIPEcn TBD (WSAGetRecvIPEcn) |
WSAGetUdpRecvMaxCoalescedSize Retrieves the maximum size of a received, coalesced message for a UDP socket. |
WSAGetUdpSendMessageSize Retrieves the segmentation message size for a UDP socket. |
WSAImpersonateSocketPeer Used to impersonate the security principal corresponding to a socket peer in order to perform application-level authorization. |
WSAQuerySocketSecurity Queries information about the security applied to a connection on a socket. |
WSARevertImpersonation Terminates the impersonation of a socket peer. This must be called after calling WSAImpersonateSocketPeer and finishing any access checks. |
WSASetFailConnectOnIcmpError Sets the state of the TCP_FAIL_CONNECT_ON_ICMP_ERROR socket option. |
WSASetIPUserMtu Sets the user-defined IP layer MTU on a socket. |
WSASetRecvIPEcn Specifies whether the IP stack should populate the control buffer with a message containing the explicit congestion notification (ECN) codepoint of the Type of Service IPv4 header field (or Traffic Class IPv6 header field) on a received datagram. |
WSASetSocketPeerTargetName Is used to specify the peer target name (SPN) that corresponds to a peer IP address. This target name is meant to be specified by client applications to securely identify the peer that should be authenticated. |
WSASetSocketSecurity Enables and applies security for a socket. |
WSASetUdpRecvMaxCoalescedSize Sets the maximum size of a coalesced message set on a UDP socket. |
WSASetUdpSendMessageSize Sets the segmentation message size on a UDP socket. |