wtsapi32.h header
This header is used by Remote Desktop Services. For more information, see:
wtsapi32.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WTSCloseServer Closes an open handle to a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSConnectSessionA Connects a Remote Desktop Services session to an existing session on the local computer. (ANSI) |
WTSConnectSessionW Connects a Remote Desktop Services session to an existing session on the local computer. (Unicode) |
WTSCreateListenerA Creates a new Remote Desktop Services listener or configures an existing listener. (ANSI) |
WTSCreateListenerW Creates a new Remote Desktop Services listener or configures an existing listener. (Unicode) |
WTSDisconnectSession Disconnects the logged-on user from the specified Remote Desktop Services session without closing the session. |
WTSEnableChildSessions Enables or disables Child Sessions. |
WTSEnumerateListenersA Enumerates all the Remote Desktop Services listeners on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateListenersW Enumerates all the Remote Desktop Services listeners on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesA Retrieves information about the active processes on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesExA Retrieves information about the active processes on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesExW Retrieves information about the active processes on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesW Retrieves information about the active processes on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateServersA Returns a list of all Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers within the specified domain. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateServersW Returns a list of all Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers within the specified domain. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsA Retrieves a list of sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsExA Retrieves a list of sessions on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsExW Retrieves a list of sessions on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsW Retrieves a list of sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSFreeMemory Frees memory allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. |
WTSFreeMemoryExA Frees memory that contains WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EX or WTS_SESSION_INFO_1 structures allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. (ANSI) |
WTSFreeMemoryExW Frees memory that contains WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EX or WTS_SESSION_INFO_1 structures allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. (Unicode) |
WTSGetChildSessionId Retrieves the child session identifier, if present. |
WTSGetListenerSecurityA Retrieves the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSGetListenerSecurityW Retrieves the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSIsChildSessionsEnabled Determines whether child sessions are enabled. |
WTSLogoffSession Logs off a specified Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTSOpenServerA Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSOpenServerExA Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSOpenServerExW Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSOpenServerW Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryListenerConfigA Retrieves configuration information for a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSQueryListenerConfigW Retrieves configuration information for a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSQuerySessionInformationA Retrieves session information for the specified session on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSQuerySessionInformationW Retrieves session information for the specified session on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryUserConfigA Retrieves configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSQueryUserConfigW Retrieves configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryUserToken Obtains the primary access token of the logged-on user specified by the session ID. |
WTSRegisterSessionNotification Registers the specified window to receive session change notifications. (WTSRegisterSessionNotification) |
WTSRegisterSessionNotificationEx Registers the specified window to receive session change notifications. (WTSRegisterSessionNotificationEx) |
WTSSendMessageA Displays a message box on the client desktop of a specified Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSSendMessageW Displays a message box on the client desktop of a specified Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSSetListenerSecurityA Configures the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSSetListenerSecurityW Configures the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSSetUserConfigA Modifies configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSSetUserConfigW Modifies configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSShutdownSystem Shuts down (and optionally restarts) the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSStartRemoteControlSessionA Starts the remote control of another Remote Desktop Services session. You must call this function from a remote session. (ANSI) |
WTSStartRemoteControlSessionW Starts the remote control of another Remote Desktop Services session. You must call this function from a remote session. (Unicode) |
WTSStopRemoteControlSession Stops a remote control session. |
WTSTerminateProcess Terminates the specified process on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Unregisters the specified window so that it receives no further session change notifications. (WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification) |
WTSUnRegisterSessionNotificationEx Unregisters the specified window so that it receives no further session change notifications. (WTSUnRegisterSessionNotificationEx) |
WTSVirtualChannelClose Closes an open virtual channel handle. |
WTSVirtualChannelOpen Opens a handle to the server end of a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx Creates a virtual channel in a manner similar to WTSVirtualChannelOpen. |
WTSVirtualChannelPurgeInput Deletes all queued input data sent from the client to the server on a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelPurgeOutput Deletes all queued output data sent from the server to the client on a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelQuery Returns information about a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelRead Reads data from the server end of a virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelWrite Writes data to the server end of a virtual channel. |
WTSWaitSystemEvent Waits for a Remote Desktop Services event before returning to the caller. |
WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS Contains the client network address of a Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY Contains information about the display of a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EXA Contains extended information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EXW Contains extended information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFOA Contains information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFOW Contains information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SERVER_INFOA Contains information about a specific Remote Desktop Services server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SERVER_INFOW Contains information about a specific Remote Desktop Services server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SESSION_ADDRESS Contains the virtual IP address assigned to a session. |
WTS_SESSION_INFO_1A Contains extended information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SESSION_INFO_1W Contains extended information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SESSION_INFOA Contains information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SESSION_INFOW Contains information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSCLIENTA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (ANSI) |
WTSCLIENTW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (Unicode) |
WTSCONFIGINFOA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSCONFIGINFOA) |
WTSCONFIGINFOW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSCONFIGINFOW) |
WTSINFOA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSINFOA) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL_A Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1 structure that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL_W Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1 structure that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1_A Contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1_W Contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOEXA Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL union that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEXW Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL union that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSINFOW) |
WTSLISTENERCONFIGA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSLISTENERCONFIGW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSUSERCONFIGA Contains configuration information for a user on a domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSUSERCONFIGW Contains configuration information for a user on a domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_CONFIG_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of user configuration information to set or retrieve in a call to the WTSQueryUserConfig and WTSSetUserConfig functions. |
WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE Specifies the source of configuration information returned by the WTSQueryUserConfig function. |
WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS Specifies the connection state of a Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTS_INFO_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of session information to retrieve in a call to the WTSQuerySessionInformation function. |
WTS_TYPE_CLASS Specifies the type of structure that a Remote Desktop Services function has returned in a buffer. |
WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of virtual channel information to retrieve. |