JActiveX Command-Line Tool
The JActiveX command-line application is a component of Visual J++ 6.0. It reads the type library of a Microsoft ActiveX control and generates the corresponding Java source files. You can then compile these source files and import them into your Java application.
To generate Java source files for a COM object, from the command prompt, run:
jactivex filename
where filename is the name of the file that contains the type library. This file may have any of the following file name extensions: .tlb, .olb, .ocx, .dll, or .exe.
For more information about the optional parameters you can set in JActiveX, see the Visual J++ documentation, or type the following command line:
jactivex /?
Do not use Visual J++ compilers prior to version 1.02.3920 to compile the files generated by JActiveX.exe. This is because the generated source files must be compiled with a @com-aware compiler. Only Visual J++ compilers later than version 1.02.3920 are @com-aware.