D1115: Enumeration Value Not Valid
The parameter [parameter] with value [value] for interface::method is not a valid enumeration value.
The name of the parameter that received the unexpected type.
The invalid enumeration value.
The name of the interface to which the method belongs.
The name of the method that received the invalid enumeration value.
The following example specifies a D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE enumeration value of 30, which is outside the expected range.
hr = m_pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hwnd, size),
This example produces the following debug message:
D2D DEBUG ERROR - The parameter [renderTargetProperties->type] with value [30]
for ID2D1Factory::CreateHwndRenderTarget is not a valid enumeration value.
A parameter used an invalid enumeration value.
Use a valid enumeration value.
The debug layer currently checks only the individual enumeration values; it does not check whether a bitwise combination is valid.