ID3DX10Font interface
The ID3DX10Font interface encapsulates the textures and resources needed to render a specific font on a specific device.
The ID3DX10Font interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DX10Font also has these types of members:
The ID3DX10Font interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
DrawText | Draw formatted text. This method supports ANSI and Unicode strings. |
GetDC | Return a handle to a display device context (DC) that has the font set onto it. |
GetDesc | Get a description of the current font object. |
GetDevice | Retrieve the Direct3D device associated with the font object. |
GetGlyphData | Return information about the placement and orientation of a glyph in a character cell. |
GetTextMetrics | Retrieve font characteristics. |
PreloadCharacters | Load a series of characters into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device. |
PreloadGlyphs | Load a series of glyphs into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device. |
PreloadText | Load formatted text into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device. This method supports ANSI and Unicode strings. |
The ID3DX10Font interface is obtained by calling D3DX10CreateFont or D3DX10CreateFontIndirect.
The LPD3DX10FONT type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DX10Font interface.
typedef interface ID3DX10Font ID3DX10Font;
typedef interface ID3DX10Font *LPD3DX10FONT;
Requirement | Value |
Header |
Library |