ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface
An application uses the methods of this interface to implement a key frame animation set.
The ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface inherits from ID3DXAnimationSet. ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet also has these types of members:
The ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
Compress | Transforms animations in an animation set into a compressed format and returns a pointer to the buffer that stores the compressed data. |
GetCallbackKey | Gets information about a specific callback in the animation set. |
GetCallbackKeys | Fills an array with callback key data used for key frame animation. |
GetNumCallbackKeys | Gets the number of callback keys in the animation set. |
GetNumRotationKeys | Gets the number of rotation keys in the specified key frame animation. |
GetNumScaleKeys | Gets the number of scale keys in the specified key frame animation. |
GetNumTranslationKeys | Gets the number of translation keys in the specified key frame animation. |
GetPlaybackType | Gets the type of the animation set playback loop. |
GetRotationKey | Get rotation information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
GetRotationKeys | Fills an array with rotational key data used for key frame animation. |
GetScaleKey | Get scale information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
GetScaleKeys | Fills an array with scale key data used for key frame animation. |
GetSourceTicksPerSecond | Gets the number of animation key frame ticks that occur per second. |
GetTranslationKey | Get translation information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
GetTranslationKeys | Fills an array with translational key data used for key frame animation. |
RegisterAnimationSRTKeys | Register the scale, rotate, and translate (SRT) key frame data for an animation. |
SetCallbackKey | Sets information about a specific callback in the animation set. |
SetRotationKey | Set rotation information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
SetScaleKey | Set scale information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
SetTranslationKey | Set translation information for a specific key frame in the animation set. |
UnregisterAnimation | Remove the animation data from the animation set. |
UnregisterRotationKey | Removes the rotation data at the specified key frame. |
UnregisterScaleKey | Removes the scale data at the specified key frame. |
UnregisterTranslationKey | Removes the translation data at the specified key frame. |
Create a keyframed animation set with D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet.
The LPD3DXKEYFRAMEDANIMATIONSET type is defined as a pointer to this interface.
typedef interface ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet;
typedef interface ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet *LPD3DXKEYFRAMEDANIMATIONSET;
Requirement | Value |
Header |
Library |