CIM_TPM class
Describes a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) device.
[Experimental, Abstract, Version("2.21.0"), UMLPackagePath("CIM::Device::TPM"), AMENDMENT]
class CIM_TPM : CIM_LogicalDevice
uint32 TPMSpecMajorVersion;
uint32 TPMSpecMinorVersion;
uint32 TPMManafucturerMajorRevision;
uint32 TPMManufacturerMinorRevision;
string TPMManufacturerInfo;
uint32 TPMManufacturerId;
uint16 TPMState;
uint16 TransitioningToTPMState = 12;
uint16 AvailableRequestedTPMStates[];
The CIM_TPM class has these types of members:
The CIM_TPM class has these methods.
Method | Description |
ChangeOwnerAuth | Changes the owner authorization credential of a TPM device. |
RequestTPMStateChange | Requests that the state of the TPM be changed to the value specified in the RequestedTPMState parameter. |
The CIM_TPM class has these properties.
Data type: uint16 array
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_TPM.RequestTPMStateChange, CIM_TPMCapabilities.RequestedTPMStatesSupported")
The possible values for the RequestedTPMState parameter of the RequestTPMStateChange method.
Unknown (0)
S1 Enabled-Active-Owned (2)
S2 Disabled-Active-Owned (3)
S3 Enabled-Inactive-Owned (4)
S4 Disabled-Inactive-Owned (5)
S5 Enabled-Active-Unowned (6)
S6 Disabled-Active-Unowned (7)
S7 Enabled-Inactive-Unowned (8)
S8 Disabled-Inactive-Unowned (9)
DMTF Reserved (..)
Vendor Reserved (32768..65535)
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 5.3|version|revMajor")
The manufacturer major revision of the TPM.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 21.6|TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO|tpmVendorID")
The TPM manufacturer ID.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1.2.TCG|Section 21.6|TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO|vendorSpecific")
The additional information defined by the TPM manufacturer.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 5.3|version|revMinor")
The manufacturer minor revision of the TPM.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 5.3|version|major", "TSS.TCG|Level 1 v1.2|Section")
The major version of the TPM.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 5.3|version|minor", "TSS.TCG|Level 1 v1.2|Section")
The minor version of the TPM.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("TPM.TCG|Part 1 v1dot2|Section 9.4", "TPM.TCG|Part 2 v1dot2|Section 7.1|TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_TPM.RequestTPMStateChange", "CIM_TPM.TransitioningToTPMState")
The operational state of the TPM.
Unknown (0)
S1 Enabled-Active-Owned (2)
S2 Disabled-Active-Owned (3)
S3 Enabled-Inactive-Owned (4)
S4 Disabled-Inactive-Owned (5)
S5 Enabled-Active-Unowned (6)
S6 Disabled-Active-Unowned (7)
S7 Enabled-Inactive-Unowned (8)
S8 Disabled-Inactive-Unowned (9)
Not Applicable (10)
DMTF Reserved (..)
Vendor Reserved (32768..65535)
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_TPM.RequestTPMStateChange", "CIM_TPM.TPMState")
The target state to which the TPM is transitioning.
Unknown (0)
S1 Enabled-Active-Owned (2)
S2 Disabled-Active-Owned (3)
S3 Enabled-Inactive-Owned (4)
S4 Disabled-Inactive-Owned (5)
S5 Enabled-Active-Unowned (6)
S6 Disabled-Active-Unowned (7)
S7 Enabled-Inactive-Unowned (8)
S8 Disabled-Inactive-Unowned (9)
Not Applicable (10)
No Change (11)
DMTF Reserved (..)
Vendor Reserved (32768..65535)
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client |
Windows 10 [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2016 |
Namespace |
Root\virtualization\v2 |