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Hide Method

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]


Hides the specified character.


agent**.Characters ("CharacterID").Hide** [Fast]

Part Description
Fast Optional. A Boolean value that indicates whether to skip the animation associated with the character's Hiding state True Does not play the Hiding animation.
False (Default) Plays the Hiding animation.


The server queues the actions of the Hide method in the character's queue, so you can use it to hide the character after a sequence of other animations. You can play the action immediately by using the Stop method before calling this method.

If you declare an object reference and set it to this method, it returns a Request object. In addition, if the associated Hiding animation has not been loaded and you have not specified the Fast parameter as True, the server sets the Request object Status property to "failed" with an appropriate error number. Therefore, if you are using the HTTP protocol to access character or animation data, use the Get method and specify the Hiding state to load the animation before calling the Hide method.

Hiding a character can also result in triggering the ActivateInput event of another client.


Hidden characters cannot access the audio channel. The server will pass back a failure status in the RequestComplete event if you generate an animation request and the character is hidden.

See Also

Show method