IPaper Methods

StoServeprovides COPaper objects that are controlled primarily by their native IPaper interface.

The following table lists IPaper methods from IPAPER.H in the sibling \INC directory.

Method Description
InitPaper Initializes paper object and create ink data array.
Lock Gives client control of the paper and locks out other clients.
Unlock Relinquishes client control of the paper.
Load Loads paper content from client's compound file and notifies sinks.
Save Saves paper content to client's compound file.
InkStart Starts color ink drawing to the paper surface.
InkDraw Puts ink data points on the electronic paper surface.
InkStop Stops ink drawing to the paper surface.
Erase Erase the current paper content and notifies sinks.
Resize Resizes the drawing paper rectangle size and notifies sinks.
Redraw Redraws contents of paper object and notifies sinks.


Methods of interest for this code sample on compound files are Load, Save, and Redraw.

InkStart, InkDraw, and InkStop are methods used by clients to command COPaper to record ink drawing sequences. The client will typically respond to a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message as the start of an ink drawing sequence by calling InkStart on COPaper. As the user moves the mouse or pen to draw while holding down the left button, the client will respond to repeated WM_MOUSEMOVE messages with corresponding calls to InkDraw. When the user releases the left mouse button, the client will respond to a WM_LBUTTONUP message with a call to InkStop, which marks the end of the ink drawing sequence.

InkStart tells COPaper the start position for the drawing sequence in client window coordinates. It also passes the currently selected ink color and width. The client maintains these selections; COPaper merely records them when the InkStart call is made. InkDraw is called repeatedly to tell COPaper the succession of window coordinates that represent the drawing motion of the mouse or pen. InkStop instructs COPaper to mark the end of a drawing sequence.