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CMSPCallBase Members

Member type Name Description
IUnknown *m_pFTM Pointer to the free threaded marshaller.
CMSPAddress* *m_pMSPAddress The pointer to the MSP address object. It is used to get the default terminals if the application doesn't select any. It also carries a refcount (via MSPAddressAddRef, not AddRef) so that the aggregated address will not go away while the call is still alive, but TAPI 3's address is not AddRef'ed.
MSP_HANDLE *m_htCall The handle to TAPI3's call. Used to fire call events.
DWORD m_dwMediaType Bitmask of the media types on this call.
CMSPArray <ITStream *> m_Streams The list of stream objects in the call.
CMSPCritSection m_lock The lock that protects the stream lists.

