Virtual Disk Service Common Return Codes
[Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, the Virtual Disk Service COM interface is superseded by the Windows Storage Management API.]
Error Code | Value | Description |
VDS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED | 0x80042400L | The operation is not supported by the object. |
VDS_E_INITIALIZED_FAILED | 0x80042401L | VDS or the provider failed to initialize. |
VDS_E_INITIALIZE_NOT_CALLED | 0x80042402L | VDS did not call the hardware provider's initialization method. |
VDS_E_ALREADY_REGISTERED | 0x80042403L | The provider is already registered. |
VDS_E_ANOTHER_CALL_IN_PROGRESS | 0x80042404L | A concurrent second call is made on an object before the first call is completed. |
VDS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | 0x80042405L | The specified object was not found. |
VDS_E_INVALID_SPACE | 0x80042406L | The specified space is neither free nor valid. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_LIMIT_REACHED | 0x80042407L | No more partitions can be created on the specified disk. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_NOT_EMPTY | 0x80042408L | The extended partition is not empty. |
VDS_E_OPERATION_PENDING | 0x80042409L | The operation is still in progress. |
VDS_E_OPERATION_DENIED | 0x8004240AL | The operation is not permitted on the specified disk, partition, or volume. |
VDS_E_OBJECT_DELETED | 0x8004240BL | The object no longer exists. |
VDS_E_CANCEL_TOO_LATE | 0x8004240CL | The operation can no longer be canceled. |
VDS_E_OPERATION_CANCELED | 0x8004240DL | The operation has already been canceled. |
VDS_E_CANNOT_EXTEND | 0x8004240EL | The file system does not support extending this volume. |
VDS_E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE | 0x8004240FL | There is not enough space to complete the operation. |
VDS_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DRIVE | 0x80042410L | There are not enough free disk drives in the subsystem to complete the operation. |
VDS_E_BAD_COOKIE | 0x80042411L | The cookie was not found. |
VDS_E_NO_MEDIA | 0x80042412L | There is no removable media in the drive. |
VDS_E_DEVICE_IN_USE | 0x80042413L | The device is currently in use. |
VDS_E_INVALID_OPERATION | 0x80042415L | The specified operation is not valid. |
VDS_E_PATH_NOT_FOUND | 0x80042416L | The specified path was not found. |
VDS_E_DISK_NOT_INITIALIZED | 0x80042417L | The specified disk has not been initialized. |
VDS_E_NOT_AN_UNALLOCATED_DISK | 0x80042418L | The specified disk is not an unallocated disk. |
VDS_E_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR | 0x80042419L | An unrecoverable error occurred. The service must shut down. |
VDS_S_DISK_PARTIALLY_CLEANED | 0x0004241AL | The clean operation was not a full clean or was canceled before it could be completed. |
VDS_E_OBJECT_EXISTS | 0x8004241DL | The object already exists. |
VDS_E_PROVIDER_CACHE_CORRUPT | 0x8004241FL | The cache for a provider is corrupt. |
VDS_E_DMADMIN_METHOD_CALL_FAILED | 0x80042420L | A method call to the Logical Disk Management Administrative service failed. |
VDS_S_PROVIDER_ERROR_LOADING_CACHE | 0x00042421L | The provider encountered errors while loading the cache. For more information, see the Windows Event Log. |
VDS_E_PROVIDER_VOL_DEVICE_NAME_NOT_FOUND | 0x80042422L | The device form of the volume pathname could not be retrieved. |
VDS_E_DMADMIN_CORRUPT_NOTIFICATION | 0x80042424L | A corrupt notification was sent from the Logical Disk Manager Administrative service. |
VDS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_SYSTEM | 0x80042425L | The file system is incompatible with the specified operation. |
VDS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_MEDIA | 0x80042426L | The media is incompatible with the specified operation. |
VDS_E_ACCESS_DENIED | 0x80042427L | Access is denied. A VDS operation must run under the Backup Operator or Administrators group account. |
VDS_E_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED | 0x80042428L | The media is write-protected. |
VDS_E_BAD_LABEL | 0x80042429L | The volume label is not valid. |
VDS_E_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT | 0x8004242AL | The volume cannot be quick-formatted. |
VDS_E_IO_ERROR | 0x8004242BL | An I/O error occurred during the operation. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL | 0x8004242CL | The volume size is too small. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_TOO_BIG | 0x8004242DL | The volume size is too large. |
VDS_E_CLUSTER_SIZE_TOO_SMALL | 0x8004242EL | The cluster size is too small. |
VDS_E_CLUSTER_SIZE_TOO_BIG | 0x8004242FL | The cluster size is too large. |
VDS_E_CLUSTER_COUNT_BEYOND_32BITS | 0x80042430L | The number of clusters is too large to be represented as a 32-bit integer. |
VDS_E_OBJECT_STATUS_FAILED | 0x80042431L | The device that the object represents has failed and is unable to perform the requested operation. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_INCOMPLETE | 0x80042432L | The volume is incomplete. |
VDS_E_EXTENT_SIZE_LESS_THAN_MIN | 0x80042433L | The specified extent size is too small. |
VDS_S_UPDATE_BOOTFILE_FAILED | 0x00042434L | The operation was successful, but VDS failed to update the boot options in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store or boot.ini file. |
VDS_S_BOOT_PARTITION_NUMBER_CHANGE | 0x00042436L | The partition number of the boot partition changed as the result of the operation. |
VDS_E_NO_FREE_SPACE | 0x80042437L | The specified disk does not have enough free space to complete the operation. |
VDS_E_ACTIVE_PARTITION | 0x80042438L | An active partition was detected on the selected disk, and it is not the active partition that was used to boot the active operating system. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_OF_UNKNOWN_TYPE | 0x80042439L | The partition information cannot be read. |
VDS_E_LEGACY_VOLUME_FORMAT | 0x8004243AL | A partition with an unknown type was detected on the specified disk. |
VDS_E_NON_CONTIGUOUS_DATA_PARTITIONS | 0x8004243BL | The selected GPT disk contains two basic data partitions that are separated by an OEM partition. |
VDS_E_MIGRATE_OPEN_VOLUME | 0x8004243CL | A volume on the specified disk could not be opened. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_NOT_ONLINE | 0x8004243DL | The volume is not online. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_NOT_HEALTHY | 0x8004243EL | The volume is failing or has failed. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_SPANS_DISKS | 0x8004243FL | The volume spans multiple disks. |
VDS_E_REQUIRES_CONTIGUOUS_DISK_SPACE | 0x80042440L | The volume consists of multiple disk extents. The operation failed because it requires the volume to consist of a single disk extent. |
VDS_E_BAD_PROVIDER_DATA | 0x80042441L | A provider returned bad data. |
VDS_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE | 0x80042442L | A provider failed to complete an operation. |
VDS_S_VOLUME_COMPRESS_FAILED | 0x00042443L | The file system was formatted successfully but could not be compressed. |
VDS_E_PACK_OFFLINE | 0x80042444L | The pack is offline. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_NOT_A_MIRROR | 0x80042445L | The volume is not a mirror. |
VDS_E_NO_EXTENTS_FOR_VOLUME | 0x80042446L | No extents were found for the volume. |
VDS_E_DISK_NOT_LOADED_TO_CACHE | 0x80042447L | The migrated disk failed to load to the cache. |
VDS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR | 0x80042448L | VDS encountered an internal error. For more information, see the Windows Event Log. |
VDS_E_DISK_NOT_ONLINE | 0x8004244BL | One or more of the specified disks are not online. |
VDS_E_DISK_IN_USE_BY_VOLUME | 0x8004244CL | One or more extents of the disk are already being used by the volume. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_NOT_MOUNTED | 0x8004244FL | The volume is not mounted. |
VDS_E_IMPORT_SET_INCOMPLETE | 0x80042451L | An attempt was made to import a subset of the disks in the foreign pack. |
VDS_E_OBJECT_OUT_OF_SYNC | 0x80042453L | The reference to the object might be stale. |
VDS_E_MISSING_DISK | 0x80042454L | The specified disk could not be found. |
VDS_E_DISK_PNP_REG_CORRUPT | 0x80042455L | The provider's list of PnP registered disks has become corrupted. |
VDS_E_LBN_REMAP_ENABLED_FLAG | 0x80042456L | The provider does not support the VDS_VF_LBN REMAP_ENABLED volume flag. |
VDS_E_NO_DRIVELETTER_FLAG | 0x80042457L | The provider does not support the VDS_VF_NO DRIVELETTER volume flag. |
VDS_E_REVERT_ON_CLOSE | 0x80042458L | The bRevertOnClose parameter can only be set to TRUE if the VDS_VF_HIDDEN or VDS_VF_READONLY volume flag is set in the ulFlags parameter. For more information, see IVdsVolume::SetFlags. |
VDS_E_REVERT_ON_CLOSE_SET | 0x80042459L | Some volume flags are already set. You must clear these flags first, then call IVdsVolume::SetFlags again, specifying TRUE for the bRevertOnClose parameter. |
VDS_S_UNABLE_TO_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES | 0x0004245BL | Unable to retrieve the GPT attributes for this volume, (hidden, read only and no drive letter). |
VDS_E_VOLUME_TEMPORARILY_DISMOUNTED | 0x8004245CL | The volume is already dismounted temporarily. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_PERMANENTLY_DISMOUNTED | 0x8004245DL | The volume is already offline. It cannot be dismounted temporarily until it becomes mountable. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_HAS_PATH | 0x8004245EL | The volume cannot be taken offline because it still has an access path. |
VDS_E_REPAIR_VOLUMESTATE | 0x80042460L | The volume plex cannot be repaired. The volume and plex must be online, and must not be healthy or rebuilding. |
VDS_E_LDM_TIMEOUT | 0x80042461L | The operation timed out in the Logical Disk Manager Administrative service. Retry the operation. |
VDS_E_REVERT_ON_CLOSE_MISMATCH | 0x80042462L | The flags to be cleared do not match the flags that were set previously when the IVdsVolume::SetFlags method was called with the bRevertOnClose parameter set to TRUE. |
VDS_E_RETRY | 0x80042463L | The operation failed. Retry the operation. |
VDS_E_ONLINE_PACK_EXISTS | 0x80042464L | The operation failed, because an online pack object already exists. |
VDS_S_GPT_BOOT_MIRRORED_TO_MBR | 0x80042469L | The boot volume on a GPT disk has been mirrored to an MBR disk. The new plex cannot be used to boot the computer. |
VDS_E_NO_VOLUME_LAYOUT | 0x80042502L | The volume's layout could not be retrieved. |
VDS_E_CORRUPT_VOLUME_INFO | 0x80042503L | The volume's driver information is corrupted. |
VDS_E_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR | 0x80042505L | An internal error occurred in the volume management driver. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_INVALID_NAME | 0x80042507L | The volume name is not valid. |
VDS_E_CORRUPT_PARTITION_INFO | 0x80042509L | The disk's partition information is corrupted. |
VDS_E_CORRUPT_EXTENT_INFO | 0x8004250BL | The disk's extent information is corrupted. |
VDS_E_PROVIDER_EXITING | 0x80042514L | The provider is exiting. |
VDS_E_EXTENT_EXCEEDS_DISK_FREE_SPACE | 0x80042515L | The specified disk extent size is larger than the amount of free disk space. |
VDS_E_MEMBER_SIZE_INVALID | 0x80042516L | The specified plex member size is not valid. |
VDS_S_NO_NOTIFICATION | 0x80042517L | No volume arrival notification was received. You may need to call IVdsService::Refresh. |
VDS_E_INVALID_DISK | 0x80042519L | The specified disk is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_PACK | 0x8004251AL | The specified disk pack is not valid. |
VDS_E_CANNOT_SHRINK | 0x8004251EL | The file system does not support shrinking this volume. |
VDS_E_INVALID_PLEX_COUNT | 0x80042521L | The plex count for the volume must be greater than zero. |
VDS_E_INVALID_MEMBER_COUNT | 0x80042522L | The member count for the volume must be greater than zero. |
VDS_E_INVALID_PLEX_ORDER | 0x80042523L | The plex indexes must start at zero and increase monotonically. |
VDS_E_INVALID_MEMBER_ORDER | 0x80042524L | The member indexes must start at zero and increase monotonically. |
VDS_E_INVALID_STRIPE_SIZE | 0x80042525L | The stripe size in bytes must be a power of 2 for striped and RAID-5 volume types and must be zero for all other volume types. |
VDS_E_INVALID_DISK_COUNT | 0x80042526L | The number of disks specified is not valid for this operation. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_DISK_COUNT_MAX_EXCEEDED | 0x80042529L | The specified number of disks is too large. VDS imposes a 32-disk limit on spanned, striped, and striped with parity (RAID-5) volumes. |
VDS_E_DISK_NOT_FOUND_IN_PACK | 0x8004252DL | The specified disks do not belong to the same pack. |
VDS_E_ONE_EXTENT_PER_DISK | 0x80042531L | A single disk cannot contribute to multiple members or multiple plexes of the same volume. |
VDS_E_DISK_REMOVEABLE | 0x8004255AL | The operation is not supported on removable media. |
VDS_E_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER VDS | 0x8004255EL | The specified drive letter is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER_COUNT | 0x8004255FL | The specified number of drive letters to retrieve is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_FS_FLAG | 0x80042560L | The specified file system flag is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_FS_TYPE | 0x80042561L | The specified file system is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE | 0x80042562L | The specified object type is not valid. |
VDS_E_INVALID_PARTITION_TYPE | 0x80042565L | The specified partition type is not valid for this operation. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_NOT_OEM | 0x8004256FL | The operation is not supported on non-OEM partitions. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_STYLE_MISMATCH | 0x80042571L | The specified partition style is not the same as the disk's partition style. |
VDS_E_SHRINK_SIZE_LESS_THAN_MIN | 0x80042573L | The specified shrink size is less than the minimum shrink size allowed. |
VDS_E_SHRINK_SIZE_TOO_BIG | 0x80042574L | The specified shrink size is too large and will cause the volume to be smaller than the minimum volume size. |
VDS_E_VOLUME_SIMPLE_SPANNED | 0x80042589L | The operation is only supported on simple or spanned volumes. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_MSR | 0x8004258CL | The operation is not supported on MSR partitions. |
VDS_E_PARTITION_LDM | 0x8004258DL | The operation is not supported on LDM partitions. |
VDS_E_ALIGN_NOT_A_POWER_OF_TWO | 0x8004258FL | The alignment is not a power of two. |
VDS_E_ALIGN_IS_ZERO | 0x80042590L | The alignment is zero. |
VDS_E_CANT_INVALIDATE_FVE | 0x80042592L | BitLocker encryption could not be disabled for the volume. |
VDS_E_FS_NOT_DETERMINED | 0x80042593L | The default file system could not be determined. |
VDS_E_FAILED_TO_ONLINE_DISK | 0x80042596L | The online operation failed. |
VDS_E_FAILED_TO_OFFLINE_DISK | 0x80042597L | The offline operation failed. |
VDS_S_NAME_TRUNCATED | 0x00042700L | The name was set successfully but had to be truncated. |
VDS_E_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE | 0x80042701L | The specified name is not unique. |
VDS_S_STATUSES_INCOMPLETELY_SET | 0x00042702L | At least one path's status was not successfully set due to a nonfatal error (for example, the status conflicts with the current load balance policy). |
VDS_E_TARGET_SPECIFIC_NOT_SUPPORTED | 0x80042706L | The initiator service does not support setting target-specific shared secrets. |
VDS_E_INITIATOR_SPECIFIC_NOT_SUPPORTED | 0x80042707L | The target does not support setting initiator-specific shared secrets. |
VDS_E_ISCSI_LOGIN_FAILED | 0x80042708L | Another operation is in progress. This operation cannot proceed until the previous operations are complete. |
VDS_E_ISCSI_LOGOUT_FAILED | 0x80042709L | The attempt to log out from the specified iSCSI session failed. |
VDS_E_ISCSI_SESSION_NOT_FOUND | 0x8004270AL | VDS could not find a session matching the specified iSCSI target. |
VDS_E_ASSOCIATED_LUNS_EXIST | 0x8004270BL | LUNs are associated with this target. All LUNs must be disassociated from this target before the target can be deleted. |
VDS_E_ASSOCIATED_PORTALS_EXIST | 0x8004270CL | Portals are associated with this portal group. All portals must be disassociated from this portal group before the portal group can be deleted. |
VDS_E_NO_DISK_PATHNAME | 0x8004270FL | The disk's path could not be retrieved. Some operations on the disk may fail. |
VDS_E_ISCSI_LOGOUT_INCOMPLETE | 0x80042710L | At least one iSCSI session logout operation did not complete successfully. |
VDS_E_NO_VOLUME_PATHNAME | 0x80042711L | The path could not be retrieved for one or more volumes. |
VDS_E_PROVIDER_CACHE_OUTOFSYNC | 0x80042712L | The provider's cache is not in sync with the driver cache. |
VDS_E_NO_IMPORT_TARGET | 0x80042713L | No import target was set for the subsystem. |
VDS_S_ALREADY_EXISTS | 0x00042714L | The object already exists. |
VDS_S_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE | 0x00042715L | Some but not all of the properties were successfully retrieved. Note that there are many possible reasons for failing to retrieve all properties, including device removal. |
VDS_S_ISCSI_SESSION_NOT_FOUND_PERSISTENT_LOGIN_REMOVED | 0x00042800L | VDS could not find any sessions matching the specified iSCSI target, but one or more persistent logins were found and removed. |
VDS_S_ISCSI_PERSISTENT_LOGIN_MAY_NOT_BE_REMOVED | 0x00042801L | If a persistent login was set up for the target, it may not have been removed. Check the iSCSI Initiator Control Panel to remove it if necessary. |
VDS_S_ISCSI_LOGIN_ALREAD_EXISTS | 0x00042802L | The attempt to log in to the iSCSI target failed because the session already exists. |
VDS_E_UNABLE_TO_FIND_BOOT_DISK | 0x80042803L | Volume disk extent information could not be retrieved for the boot volume. |
VDS_E_INCORRECT_BOOT_VOLUME_EXTENT_INFO | 0x80042804L | More than two disk extents were reported for the boot volume. This is a system error. |
VDS_E_GET_SAN_POLICY | 0x80042805L | A driver error was reported when getting the SAN policy. |
VDS_E_SET_SAN_POLICY | 0x80042806L | A driver error was reported when setting the SAN policy. |
VDS_E_BOOT_DISK | 0x80042807L | Disk attributes cannot be changed on the boot disk. |
VDS_S_DISK_MOUNT_FAILED | 0x00042808L | One or more of the volumes on the disk could not be mounted, possibly because it was already mounted. |
VDS_S_DISK_DISMOUNT_FAILED | 0x00042809L | One or more of the volumes on the disk could not be dismounted, possibly because it was already dismounted. |
VDS_E_DISK_IS_OFFLINE | 0x8004280AL | The operation cannot be performed on a disk that is offline. |
VDS_E_DISK_IS_READ_ONLY | 0x8004280BL | The operation cannot be performed on a disk that is read only. |
VDS_E_PAGEFILE_DISK | 0x8004280CL | The operation cannot be performed on a disk that contains a pagefile volume. |
VDS_E_HIBERNATION_FILE_DISK | 0x8004280DL | The operation cannot be performed on a disk that contains a hibernation file volume. |
VDS_E_CRASHDUMP_DISK | 0x8004280EL | The operation cannot be performed on a disk that contains a crashdump file volume. |