Retrieves the address of the IAccessible interface for the object that generated the event that is currently being processed by the client's event hook function.
Retrieves a localized string that describes an object's state for a single predefined state bit flag. Because state values are a combination of one or more bit flags, clients call this function more than once to retrieve all state strings.
An application-defined callback (or hook) function that the system calls in response to events generated by an accessible object. The hook function processes the event notifications as required. Clients install the hook function and request specific types of event notifications by calling SetWinEventHook. The WINEVENTPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. WinEventProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
The goal of this module is to review how to achieve common user experience automation procedures through Client Script. This module is intended to serve as a practical guide for how to solve real-world scenarios that are frequently encountered during Microsoft Power Platform implementations.