Work with web services in Dynamics 365 Business Central - Training
Use SOAP and OData to read and update records, and handle UI interaction in Business Central.
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A service contract carries metadata that defines how a service to handles channel messages.
A WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT carries metadata for a service to handle a WS_MESSAGE.
It has a WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION and a function table. An application can optionally specify WS_SERVICE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALLBACK.
If a WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION and a function table are not given, the application is required to specify WS_SERVICE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALLBACK.
static WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT calculatorContract =
See the calculator example for details.
Contract Description
WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION is metadata defining the type-contract of the service. Generated by wsutil.exe.
In terms of WSDL, a WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION maps to a wsdl:portType. For each wsdl:portType in the WSDL document a separate WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION will be generated.
A contract description is made up of one or more service operations. These operations are given as an array of WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION.
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns=""
xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsp=""
xmlns:wsap="" xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:msc="" xmlns:wsaw=""
xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:wsa10=""
xmlns:wsx="" targetNamespace=""
<wsdl:portType name="ICalculator">
<wsdl:operation name="Add">
<wsdl:input wsaw:Action=""
message="tns:ICalculator_Add_InputMessage" />
<wsdl:output wsaw:Action=""
message="tns:ICalculator_Add_OutputMessage" />
For details of wsdl:portType to WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION conversion, see the WSDL output section.
static WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION contractDescriptionICalculator =
Function Table
Function Table is a struct of function pointers representing each of the service operations in the service contract. The function table definition is also generated by wsutil.exe.
Example: Function Table
// Function Table
struct CalculatorServiceFunctionTable
AddOperation Add;
SubtractOperation Subtract;
// Populate the Function Table
static const CalculatorServiceFunctionTable calculatorFunctions = {Add, Subtract};
WS_SERVICE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALLBACK has a dual mutually exclusive role.
If a WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION is specified on the WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT, this becomes the default message handler for all the actions which are not supported by the specified WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION. Otherwise, if WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION is not specified on the WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT, and the WS_SERVICE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALLBACK is specified on the WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT all in coming messages are passed to this callback.
For more examples, please see
The following callbacks are part of the contract:
The following structures are part of the contract:
Work with web services in Dynamics 365 Business Central - Training
Use SOAP and OData to read and update records, and handle UI interaction in Business Central.