Show All Toolbox Controls
Menu: RIGHT CLICK -> Show All
Command: Tools.ShowAll
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 8/1/2010
Code: vstipTool0060
If you ever just want to see all the controls that are on the Toolbox, you can RIGHT CLICK the Toolbox and select "Show All":
This will reveal all the controls regardless of context:
July 27, 2011
and what if i have not toolbox at all? and i can not find it nowhere.Anonymous
April 24, 2012
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 24, 2012
Thomas / lydea - HAve you gone to View | Toolbox? You can also try CTRL + ALT + X to bring up the Toolbox as well. If you still don't see the Toolbox then there is a deeper issue and you may need to contact support. Z