Contextualize data by using graph in SQL Database

Azure SQL Database
Azure Databricks
Azure Data Lake Storage

Data contextualization is the process of adding contextual information to raw data in order to enhance its meaning and relevance. It involves the use of additional information like metadata, annotations, and other relevant details to provide a better understanding of the data. Contextualization can help analysts understand the relationships between data points and the environment in which they were collected. For example, contextualization can provide information about the time, location, and other environmental factors that might have influenced the data. In data processing, contextualization is becoming increasingly important as datasets become larger and more complex. Without proper contextualization, it can be difficult to interpret data accurately and make informed decisions based on it.

This article demonstrates how to contextualize data by looking up relevant context that's stored in a graph database in Azure SQL Database.


Diagram that shows an architecture for data contextualization. Download a Visio file of this architecture.

In this architecture, data stored in Delta Lake in the silver layer is read incrementally, contextualized based on a graph lookup, and merged into another Delta Lake instance in the gold layer. That data can be stored as a data mart in SQL Database if another system requires it.


The following dataflow corresponds to the preceding diagram:

  1. The incoming data that needs to be contextualized is appended into the Delta table in the silver layer.
  2. The incoming data is incrementally loaded into Azure Databricks.
  3. Contextual information is retrieved from a graph database.
  4. The incoming data is contextualized.
  5. Optionally, the contextualized data is merged into the corresponding table in SQL Database.
  6. The contextualized data is appended into the corresponding Delta table in the gold layer.


  • Azure Data Lake Storage is a scalable data lake for high-performance analytics workloads. In this solution, it stores input data and contextualized data in Delta tables.
  • Azure Databricks is a unified set of tools for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data solutions at scale. In this solution, it provides the platform on which Python notebook files are used to contextualize data.
  • SQL Database is an always-up-to-date, fully managed relational database service that's built for the cloud. In this solution, it stores graph data and contextualized data.

Graph database alternatives

Many other graph databases are available. For more information, see:

There are pros and cons associated with each of these products and services. Some of them are Azure managed services, and some aren't. This architecture uses SQL Database, because:

  • It's an Azure-managed relational database service that has graph capabilities.
  • It's easy to get started if you're familiar with SQL Database and SQL Server.
  • Solutions often benefit from the use of Transact-SQL in parallel. SQL Database graph relationships are integrated into Transact-SQL.

Scenario details

Data layers

This solution is based on the Databricks medallion architecture. In this design pattern, data is logically organized in various layers. The goal is to incrementally and progressively improve the structure and quality of the data as it moves from one layer to the next.

For simplicity, this architecture has only two layers:

  • The silver layer stores the input data.
  • The gold layer stores the contextualized data.

The data in the silver layer is stored in Delta Lake and exposed as Delta tables.

Incremental data load

This solution implements incremental data processing, so only data that has been modified or added since the previous run is processed. Incremental data load is typical in batch processing because it helps keep data processing fast and economical.

For more information, see incremental data load.

Data contextualization

Data contextualization can be applied in various ways. In this architecture, contextualization is the process of performing a graph lookup and retrieving matching values.

The solution assumes that a graph has already been created in a graph database. The internal complexity of the graph isn't a concern because the graph query is passed via a configuration and executed dynamically with passed input values.

The solution uses Azure Databricks for the data contextualization process.

Graph database

The graph database is the database that stores the graph data and models. As noted earlier, there are many graph databases available. In this solution, SQL Database and the graph capabilities of SQL Server are used to create the graph.

Optional data mart

In this architecture, SQL Database is used to store the contextualized data as a data mart, but you can use any storage option. To ensure idempotent processing, the data is merged into the system rather than appended. In addition to Delta Lake in the gold layer, you might need to separate data marts due to integration system requirements, security, performance, cost, or other reasons.

Contoso scenario

The solution in this article is based on the scenario that's described in this section.

Gary is an operations engineer at Contoso, Ltd. One of his responsibilities is to provide a weekly health report for the assets in Contoso factories within a specific city.

First, Gary needs to fetch all the asset IDs that he's interested in from the company's asset system. He then looks for all the attributes that belong to the assets to use as input for the health report. For example, the operational efficiency data of the asset with ID AE0520.

The following diagram illustrates some Contoso data relationships:

Diagram that shows Contoso data relationships.

Contoso has many applications that help factory managers monitor processes and operations. Operational efficiency data is recorded in the quality system, another stand-alone application.

Gary signs in to the quality system and looks up the asset ID AE0520 in the AE_OP_EFF table. That table contains all the key attributes for operational efficiency data.

There are many columns in the AE_OP_EFF table. Gary is especially interested in the alarm status. However, the details for the most critical alarms of the asset are kept in another table called Alarm. Therefore, Gary needs to record that the key ID MA_0520 of the Alarm table corresponds to the asset AE0520, because they use different naming conventions.

The relationship is actually much more complicated. Gary needs to search for more than one attribute of the asset and sign in to many tables in different systems to get all the data for a complete report. He uses queries and scripts to perform his work, but the queries are complicated and hard to maintain. Even worse, the systems are growing, and more data needs to be added to the report for different decision makers.

One of the main problems for Gary is that the IDs of a given asset in various systems are different. The systems were developed and are maintained separately, and they even use different protocols. Gary needs to manually query the various tables to get data for a single asset. The queries are complex and difficult to understand. As a result, Gary spends a lot of time training new operations engineers and explaining the relationships in the data.

Gary needs a mechanism to link the various names that belong to a single asset across systems. This mechanism will make report queries simpler and make Gary's job easier.

Graph design

SQL Database provides graph database capabilities for modeling many-to-many relationships. The graph relationships are integrated into Transact-SQL.

A graph database is a collection of nodes (or vertices) and edges (or relationships). A node represents an entity, like a person or an organization. An edge represents a relationship between the two nodes that it connects, for example, likes or friends.

Diagram that shows the components of a graph database.

Graph model for the scenario

This is the graph model for the Contoso scenario:

  • Alarm is one of the metrics that belong to Quality_System.
  • Quality_System is associated with an Asset.

Diagram that illustrates the graph design for the sample scenario.

This is what the data looks like:

Screenshot that shows the data used in the sample scenario.

In the graph model, the nodes and edges need to be defined. Azure SQL graph uses edge tables to represent relationships. In this scenario, there are two edge tables. They record the relationships between Alarm and Quality_System and Quality_System and Asset.

The following table shows the nodes and edges:

Nodes Edges
Alarm Alarm -> belongs_to -> Quality_System
Quality_System Quality_System -> is_associated_with -> Asset

To create these nodes and edges in SQL Database, you can use the following SQL commands:

CREATE TABLE is_associated_with AS EDGE;

These commands create the following graph tables:

  • dbo.Alarm
  • dbo.Asset
  • dbo.is_associated_with
  • dbo.Quality_System

To query the graph database, you can use the MATCH clause to match patterns and traverse the graph:

SELECT [dbo].[Alarm].Alarm_Type, [dbo].[Asset].Asset_ID
FROM [dbo].[Alarm], [dbo].[Asset], [dbo].[Quality_System], [dbo].[belongs_to], [dbo].[is_associated_with]
WHERE MATCH (Alarm-(belongs_to)->Quality_System -(is_associated_with)-> Asset)

You can then use the query result to join the incoming raw data for contextualization.

Incremental data load

As the architecture diagram shows, the solution contextualizes only new incoming data, not the entire dataset in the Delta table. To meet this requirement, it uses an incremental data loading solution.

In Delta Lake, change data feed is a feature that simplifies the architecture for implementing change data capture (CDC). The following diagram illustrates how it works. When change data feed is enabled, the system records data changes, which, in this case, include inserted rows and two rows that represent the pre-image and post-image of an updated row. If you need to, you can use the pre-image and post-image information to evaluate the changes. There's also a delete change type that represents deleted rows. To query the change data, you can use the table_changes function.

Diagram that illustrates how change data feed works.

In this solution, change data feed is enabled for Delta tables that store the source data. You can enable it by using this command:

CREATE TABLE tbl_alarm 
  (alarm_id INT, alarm_type STRING, alarm_desc STRING, valid_from TIMESTAMP, valid_till TIMESTAMP)
    TBLPROPERTIES (delta.enableChangeDataFeed = true)

The following query gets the changed rows in the table. 2 is the commit version number.

FROM table_changes('tbl_alarm', 2)

If you only need information about newly inserted data, you can use this query:

FROM table_changes('tbl_alarm', 2)
WHERE _change_type = 'insert'

For more samples, see Change data feed demo.

You can use change data feed to load data incrementally. To do that, you need the version number of the most recent commit. You can create a Delta table to store that version number:

CREATE TABLE table_commit_version
    (table_name STRING, last_commit_version LONG)

Every time you load new data into tbl_alarm, you need to complete these steps:

  1. Get the last_commit_version for the tbl_alarm table from table_commit_version.
  2. Query and load the data added since the version that's stored in last_commit_version.
  3. Get the highest commit version number of the tbl_alarm table.
  4. Update last_commit_version in the table_commit_version table to prepare it for the next query.

Enabling change data feed doesn't have a significant effect on system performance or cost. The change data records are generated inline during the query execution process and are much smaller than the total size of the rewritten files.

Potential use cases

  • A manufacturing solution provider wants to continuously contextualize the data and events that are provided by its customers. Because the context information is too complicated to represent in relational tables, the company uses graph models for data contextualization.
  • A process engineer in a factory needs to troubleshoot a problem with factory equipment. The graph model stores all data, directly or indirectly related, from troubleshooting equipment to get information for root cause analysis.


These considerations implement the pillars of the Azure Well-Architected Framework, which is a set of guiding tenets that you can use to improve the quality of a workload. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.


Security provides assurances against deliberate attacks and the abuse of your valuable data and systems. For more information, see Overview of the security pillar.

For this scenario, you need to consider the security of data at rest (that is, data that's stored in Data Lake Storage, SQL Database, and Azure Databricks) and data that's in transit between the storage solutions.

For Data Lake Storage:

  • Azure Storage service-side encryption (server-side encryption (SSE)) is enabled to help protect data at rest.
  • Use a managed identity and role-based access control (RBAC) if data is accessed via supported Azure resources.
  • If a managed identity is not supported, use shared access signature (SAS) to restrict access and permissions to data. Use HTTPS to protect data in transit.
  • For more information, see Azure security baseline for Storage.

For SQL Database:

  • Use a managed identity and RBAC to limit access to specific operations and resources within a database.
  • If you access SQL Database by using a sign-in, use a strong password. Save passwords in Azure Key Vault.
  • Enable TLS to help secure in-transit data between SQL Database and Azure Databricks.
  • See Azure security baseline for Azure SQL for more information.

For Azure Databricks:

  • Use RBAC.
  • Enable Azure Monitor to monitor your Azure Databricks workspace for unusual activity. Enable logging to track user activity and security events.
  • To provide a layer of protection for data in transit, enable TLS for the JDBC connection to SQL Database.
  • See Azure security baseline for Azure Databricks for more information.

In your production environment, put these resources into an Azure virtual network that isolates them from the public internet to reduce the attack surface and help protect against data exfiltration.

Cost optimization

Cost optimization is about reducing unnecessary expenses and improving operational efficiencies. For more information, see Overview of the cost optimization pillar.

Cost optimization for SQL Database:

  • Because solution performance isn't a goal for this architecture, it uses the lowest pricing tier that meets requirements.
  • You should use the serverless compute tier, which is billed per second based on the number of compute cores that are used.

Cost optimization for Azure Databricks:

  • Use the All-Purpose Compute workload and the Premium tier. Choose the instance type that meets your workload requirements while minimizing costs.
  • Use autoscaling to scale the number of nodes based on workload demand.
  • Turn off clusters when they aren't in use.

For more information about the cost of this scenario, see this monthly cost estimate.


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