Extend Azure AI using Tools and execute a local Function with .NET

Get started with Semantic Kernel by creating a simple .NET 8 console chat application. The application will run locally and use the OpenAI gpt-35-turbo model deployed into an Azure OpenAI account, however using Tool to extend the model capabilities it will call a local function. Follow these steps to provision Azure OpenAI and learn how to use Semantic Kernel.

Get started with the .NET Azure OpenAI SDK by creating a simple .NET 8 console chat application. The application will run locally and use the OpenAI gpt-35-turbo model deployed into an Azure OpenAI account, however using Tool to extend the model capabilities it will call a local function. Follow these steps to provision Azure OpenAI and learn how to use the .NET Azure OpenAI SDK.


Deploy the Azure resources

Ensure that you follow the Prerequisites to have access to Azure OpenAI Service as well as the Azure Developer CLI, and then follow the following guide to set started with the sample application.

  1. Clone the repository: dotnet/ai-samples

  2. From a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the quickstarts directory.

  3. This provisions the Azure OpenAI resources. It may take several minutes to create the Azure OpenAI service and deploy the model.

    azd up


If you already have an Azure OpenAI service available, you can skip the deployment and use that value in the Program.cs, preferably from an IConfiguration.


On Windows, you might get the following error messages after running azd up:

postprovision.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system

The script postprovision.ps1 is executed to set the .NET user secrets used in the application. To avoid this error, run the following PowerShell command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Then re-run the azd up command.

Another possible error:

'pwsh' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. WARNING: 'postprovision' hook failed with exit code: '1', Path: '.\infra\post-script\postprovision.ps1'. : exit code: 1 Execution will continue since ContinueOnError has been set to true.

The script postprovision.ps1 is executed to set the .NET user secrets used in the application. To avoid this error, manually run the script using the following PowerShell command:


The .NET AI apps now have the user-secrets configured and they can be tested.

Try HikerAI Pro sample

  1. From a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the semantic-kernel\04-HikerAIPro directory.
  1. From a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the azure-openai-sdk\04-HikerAIPro directory.
  1. It's now time to try the console application. Type in the following to run the app:

    dotnet run

    If you get an error message the Azure OpenAI resources may not have finished deploying. Wait a couple of minutes and try again.

Understand the code

Our application uses the Microsoft.SemanticKernel package, which is available on NuGet, to send and receive requests to an Azure OpenAI service deployed in Azure.

The entire application is contained within the Program.cs file. The first several lines of code loads up secrets and configuration values that were set in the dotnet user-secrets for you during the application provisioning.

var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddUserSecrets<Program>().Build();
string endpoint = config["AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"];
string deployment = config["AZURE_OPENAI_GPT_NAME"];
string key = config["AZURE_OPENAI_KEY"];

The Kernel class facilitates the requests and responses with the help of AddAzureOpenAIChatCompletion service.

// Create a Kernel containing the Azure OpenAI Chat Completion Service
IKernelBuilder b = Kernel.CreateBuilder();

Kernel kernel = b
    .AddAzureOpenAIChatCompletion(deployment, endpoint, key)

The function's ImportPluginFromFunctions and CreateFromMethod are used to define the local function that will be called by the model.

// Add a new plugin with a local .NET function that should be available to the AI model
// For convenience and clarity of into the code, this standalone local method handles tool call responses. It will fake a call to a weather API and return the current weather for the specified location.
    KernelFunctionFactory.CreateFromMethod(([Description("The city, e.g. Montreal, Sidney")] string location, string unit = null) =>
        // Here you would call a weather API to get the weather for the location
        return "Periods of rain or drizzle, 15 C";
    }, "get_current_weather", "Get the current weather in a given location")

Once the kernel client is created, we provide more context to the model by adding a system prompt. This instructs the model how you'd like it to act during the conversation. Note how the weather is emphasized in the system prompt.

ChatHistory chatHistory = new("""
    You are a hiking enthusiast who helps people discover fun hikes in their area. You are upbeat and friendly.
    A good weather is important for a good hike. Only make recommendations if the weather is good or if people insist.
    You introduce yourself when first saying hello. When helping people out, you always ask them 
    for this information to inform the hiking recommendation you provide:

    1. Where they are located
    2. What hiking intensity they are looking for

    You will then provide three suggestions for nearby hikes that vary in length after you get that information. 
    You will also share an interesting fact about the local nature on the hikes when making a recommendation.

Then you can add a user message to the model by using the AddUserMessage functon.

To have the model generate a response based off the system prompt and the user request, use the GetChatMessageContentAsync function.

    Is the weather is good today for a hike?
    If yes, I live in the greater Montreal area and would like an easy hike. I don't mind driving a bit to get there.
    I don't want the hike to be over 10 miles round trip. I'd consider a point-to-point hike.
    I want the hike to be as isolated as possible. I don't want to see many people.
    I would like it to be as bug free as possible.

Console.WriteLine($"{chatHistory.Last().Role} >>> {chatHistory.Last().Content}");

chatHistory.Add(await service.GetChatMessageContentAsync(chatHistory, new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings() { MaxTokens = 400 }));
Console.WriteLine($"{chatHistory.Last().Role} >>> {chatHistory.Last().Content}");

Customize the system prompt and user message to see how the model responds to help you find a hike that you'll like.

Understand the code

Our application uses the Azure.AI.OpenAI client SDK, which is available on NuGet, to send and receive requests to an Azure OpenAI service deployed in Azure.

The entire application is contained within the Program.cs file. The first several lines of code loads up secrets and configuration values that were set in the dotnet user-secrets for you during the application provisioning.

// == Retrieve the local secrets saved during the Azure deployment ==========
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddUserSecrets<Program>().Build();
string openAIEndpoint = config["AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"];
string openAIDeploymentName = config["AZURE_OPENAI_GPT_NAME"];
string openAiKey = config["AZURE_OPENAI_KEY"];

// == Creating the AIClient ==========
var endpoint = new Uri(openAIEndpoint);
var credentials = new AzureKeyCredential(openAiKey);

The OpenAIClient class facilitates the requests and responses. ChatCompletionOptions specifies parameters of how the model will respond. Note how the Tools property is used to add the definition.

var openAIClient = new OpenAIClient(endpoint, credentials);

var completionOptions = new ChatCompletionsOptions
    MaxTokens = 400,
    Temperature = 1f,
    FrequencyPenalty = 0.0f,
    PresencePenalty = 0.0f,
    NucleusSamplingFactor = 0.95f, // Top P
    DeploymentName = openAIDeploymentName,
    Tools = { getWeather }

The class ChatCompletionsFunctionToolDefinition is used to define the local function that will be called by the model.

var getWeather = new ChatCompletionsFunctionToolDefinition()
    Name = "get_current_weather",
    Description = "Get the current weather in a given location",
    Parameters = BinaryData.FromObjectAsJson(
        Type = "object",
        Properties = new
            Location = new
                Type = "string",
                Description = "The city, e.g. Montreal, Sidney",
            Unit = new
                Type = "string",
                Enum = new[] { "celsius", "fahrenheit" },
        Required = new[] { "location" },
    new JsonSerializerOptions() { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }),

Once the OpenAIClient client is created, we provide more context to the model by adding a system prompt. This instructs the model how you'd like it to act during the conversation. Note how the weather is emphasized in the system prompt.

var systemPrompt = 
You are a hiking enthusiast who helps people discover fun hikes in their area. You are upbeat and friendly.
A good weather is important for a good hike. Only make recommendations if the weather is good or if people insist.
You introduce yourself when first saying hello. When helping people out, you always ask them 
for this information to inform the hiking recommendation you provide:

1. Where they are located
2. What hiking intensity they are looking for

You will then provide three suggestions for nearby hikes that vary in length after you get that information. 
You will also share an interesting fact about the local nature on the hikes when making a recommendation.

completionOptions.Messages.Add(new ChatRequestSystemMessage(systemPrompt));

Then you can add a user message to the model by using the ChatRequestUserMessage class.

For convenience and clarity of into the code, this standalone local method handles tool call responses. It will fake a call to a weather API and return the current weather for the specified location.

ChatRequestToolMessage GetToolCallResponseMessage(ChatCompletionsToolCall toolCall)
    var functionToolCall = toolCall as ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall;
    if (functionToolCall?.Name == getWeather.Name)
        string unvalidatedArguments = functionToolCall.Arguments;
        var functionResultData = (object)null;

        // == Here call a weather API to get the weather for specified the location ==========
        functionResultData = "Periods of rain or drizzle, 15 C";

        return new ChatRequestToolMessage(functionResultData.ToString(), toolCall.Id);
        throw new NotImplementedException();

To have the model generate a response based off the system prompt and the user request, use the GetChatCompletionsAsync function.

string hikeRequest = """
Is the weather is good today for a hike?
If yes, I live in the greater Montreal area and would like an easy hike. I don't mind driving a bit to get there.
I don't want the hike to be over 10 miles round trip. I'd consider a point-to-point hike.
I want the hike to be as isolated as possible. I don't want to see many people.
I would like it to be as bug free as possible.

Console.WriteLine($"\n\nUser >>> {hikeRequest}");
completionOptions.Messages.Add(new ChatRequestUserMessage(hikeRequest));

response = await openAIClient.GetChatCompletionsAsync(completionOptions);

Now, the response need to be examined. If the response includes ToolCalls, the method declare previously handle it and continue the conversation. It's important to note that each messages ChatRequestAssistantMessage are added to the conversation history. This is important to maintain the context of the conversation.

ChatChoice responseChoice = response.Choices[0];
if (responseChoice.FinishReason == CompletionsFinishReason.ToolCalls)
    // == Include the FunctionCall message in the conversation history ==========
    completionOptions.Messages.Add(new ChatRequestAssistantMessage(responseChoice.Message));

    // == Add a new tool message for each tool call that is resolved ==========
    foreach (ChatCompletionsToolCall toolCall in responseChoice.Message.ToolCalls)
        var ToolCallMsg = GetToolCallResponseMessage(toolCall);

    // == Retrieve the answer from HikeAI Pro ==========
    response = await openAIClient.GetChatCompletionsAsync(completionOptions);

assistantResponse = response.Choices[0].Message;
Console.WriteLine($"\n\nAssistant >>> {assistantResponse.Content}");

Customize the system prompt and user message to see how the model responds to help you find a hike that you'll like.

Clean up resources

When you no longer need the sample application or resources, remove the corresponding deployment and all resources.

azd down

Next steps