FieldRef.Record() Method
Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.
Gets the RecordRef of the field that is currently selected. This method returns an error if no field is selected.
Record := FieldRef.Record()
Type: FieldRef
An instance of the FieldRef data type.
Type: RecordRef
The following example opens the Item table as a RecordRef variable that is named ItemRecref, creates a reference to field 1 (No.), and stores the value in the variable named MyFieldRef. The Record method uses the MyFieldRef variable to return the RecordRef of field 1 and stores the reference in a variable named MyRecRef. MyRecRef.Number
returns the table that the selected field belongs to.
MyFieldRef: FieldRef;
ItemRecref: RecordRef;
MyRecRef: RecordRef;
Text000: Label 'The selected field is from table %1.';
MyFieldRef := ItemRecref.Field(1);
MyRecRef := MyFieldRef.Record;
Message(Text000, MyRecRef.Number);
FieldRef Data Type
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