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Xbox services for matchmaking, invites, chat, and networking

This section describes matchmaking, invites, voice and text chat, and networking.

In this section

Xbox services multiplayer overview
Describes multiplayer features in Xbox services that include Multiplayer Session Directory (MPSD), matchmaking, networking, voice chat, and text chat.

Common multiplayer scenarios
Describes the Xbox services functionality that supports various multiplayer scenarios, including comparative (indirect) play, online play with friends, and skill-based matchmaking.

Describes how to configure and implement Xbox services Multiplayer services.

Multiplayer Activity (MPA)
Describes Multiplayer Activity (MPA) features and concepts. This section also provides MPA example code.

Multiplayer Manager (MPM)
High-level API for adding multiplayer functionality by managing sessions, matchmaking, and game invites. Provides a state- and event-based programming model.

Multiplayer Session Directory (MPSD)
Describes how MPSD enables titles to share the basic information that's needed to connect a group of users. This section also describes how MPSD coordinates with the shell and console operating system in sending or accepting invites and being joined via the gamercard.

Describes the process of inviting players to game sessions and provides conceptual information and code examples for multiplayer invites.

SmartMatch Matchmaking
Describes how the SmartMatch matchmaking service selects compatible players in a multiplayer game.