Outcome Management is an extensible template app built on Microsoft Power Platform. It provides a structured place to manage the impact of programs, projects, and activities. It includes the ability to establish goals and indicators, measure results, and aggregate impact across program participants and with stakeholders.
The Outcome Management template app includes the following elements:
Accounts and Contacts pages: The Accounts and Contacts pages provide basic information for tracking individual and organizational entities that participate in programs, projects, or actions. These forms display demographic and contact information and an engagement timeline.
Delivery Frameworks: On this page, delivery frameworks are available in the form of projects, programs, and actions. You can configure them into hierarchies using the parent delivery framework. They serve as the focal point of the effort, timeline, objectives, results, and status of these efforts.
Results: The Results page tracks the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of a delivery framework. You can configure it in a hierarchy when applicable. The results form provides a single place to display all indicators that measure the output, outcome, or impact of program effort over time.
Indicators: On this page, indicators define the specific, quantifiable, and qualitative measures for assessing results, including outputs, outcomes, and impacts. You can view each measurement of an indicator as a related indicator value.
Indicator Values: On this page, indicator values are the baseline, actual, or target measurements that describe a change in state over time. Baseline and target indicator values establish the starting point and intended result, respectively. Actual indicator values represent the specific point in time measurements between the baseline and target values. Indicator values can be related to program participants, which can be accounts or contacts, through the benefit recipient record.
Benefit Recipient: This page provides a model for representing the individuals, or contacts, and entities, or accounts, that participate in programs, projects, or actions, when applicable.
This module is aligned to program management and administrative task roles. Learn how AI tools such as Copilot can help to manage everyday tasks to increase efficiency, automate time-consuming tasks, and give time back to your team.
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