Dialog control (experimental)

[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.]

A control used to group content.

Dialog control.


  • This is an experimental feature.
  • Experimental features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


A dialog box (Dialog) is a temporary pop-up window that takes focus from the page or app and requires people to interact with it. It's primarily used for confirming actions, such as deleting a file, or asking people to make a choice.

This canvas component mimics the style and behavior of the Fluent UI Dialog control. See documentation for best practices.

View the component in the Creator Kit GitHub repository.


Key properties

Property Description
Buttons A dataset that defines the buttons (see properties below)
Title Text displayed in the title section
OverlayColor Color displayed in the overlay area
DialogWidth The width of the dialog (not to be confused with the control width, which should span the app width)
DialogHeight The height of the dialog (not to be confused with the control height, which should span the app height).
SubTitle Text displayed under the title

Buttons properties

Property Description
Label The label displayed on the button.
ButtonType Enumeration that determines the styling of the button. Choose between Standard and Primary.
        Label: "Cancel", 
        Label: "Ok", 

Style properties

Property Description
Theme Theme object. See theming for guidance on how to configure.

For formatting, see guidance in the Format panel content section of Panel.

Event properties

Property Description
OnCloseSelect Action expression that's executed when the close button is selected.
OnButtonSelect Action expression that's executed when one of the action buttons are selected.


Configure Dialog visibility

Make the Dialog control itself (or the surface it's located within) visible when a Boolean (true/false) type variable changes to true, and assign that variable to the dialog's visibility property. After the dialog is displayed, you can hide the dialog by updating the variable on the reset property, which is triggered when the close icon is selected.

The following shows the Power Fx formula to open the dialog in an action formula on another component somewhere in the app (for example, the OnSelect property of a button):

UpdateContext({ showHideDialog: true })

The following is the Power Fx formula to close the dialog in the OnCloseSelect property of the dialog:

UpdateContext({ showHideDialog: false })

Assign the variable to the Visible property of the dialog:


Configure button actions

In the OnButtonSelect property of the dialog, provide actions in an If() or Switch() condition based on the Self.SelectedButton.Label text value to define the action. Depending on the action, it might make sense to also close the dialog after the action is completed.

    If( Self.SelectedButton.Label = "Send", 
        Notify("Email Sent")
    UpdateContext({ showHideDialog: false })


This canvas component can only be used in canvas apps and custom pages.