Defrag Tools #163 - Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - Sysinternals Disk2VHD
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Chad Beeder and Andrew Richards discuss Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) files. We first dive into what a VHD is, how you can boot from a VHD by configuring bcdedit settings, and we see how they look in Disk Management. We then use Sysinternals Disk2VHD - a quick and easy way to make a VHD from a Physical drive. We also discuss the Volume Shadow Copy Service.
Additional Resources:
Sysinternals Disk2VHD
Scott Hanselmen - Guide to Installing and Booting off a VHD
[00:00] Building 20 and the Channel 9 Studio
[02:12] bcdedit - Booting from partition (physical disk) - osdevice|device: partition=C:
[04:37] "Choose an operating system" - Physical and Virtual boot devices
[06:48] VHD files - *.vhd and *.vhdx
[07:45] Fixed Size and Dynamic Size (file grows to the specified size with use)
[09:27] Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc or Win-X-K
[10:35] bcdedit - Booting from virtual hard disk - osdevice|device: vhd=[D:]\vhd\win10.vhd
[11:55] Larry Larsen visits (briefly)!
[12:45] Windows 10 lets you open the VHD; mounts to the next drive letter. Use Eject to dismount.
[13:37] Disk Management - look like a normal drive (note the different icon)
[14:37] How to install Windows to a VHD - Scott Hanselmen blog
[15:13] Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
[16:18] Use diskpart or Disk Management to make the VHD file
[16:55] Use diskpart to attach (mount) the VHD file during Setup
[17:55] Why the Boot from VHD approach?
[19:50] Downloading Sysinternals Disk2VHD
[19:50] VHD downside - if they don't get booted often, you need to apply lots of update
[19:50] Windows 7 and 8.1 Convenience Rollups
[23:18] Running Sysinternals Disk2VHD
[25:13] Volume Shadow Copy Service
[28:12] (Andrew: Can't find the article I wrote on bcdedit settings - sorry)
[28:41] Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 -- was just a VHD running virtually
[30:47] Questions? Email us at defragtools@microsoft.com
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Chad Beeder and Andrew Richards discuss Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) files. We first dive into what a VHD is, how you can boot from a VHD by configuring bcdedit settings, and we see how they look in Disk Management. We then use Sysinternals Disk2VHD - a quick and easy way to make a VHD from a Physical drive. We also discuss the Volume Shadow Copy Service.
Additional Resources:
Sysinternals Disk2VHD
Scott Hanselmen - Guide to Installing and Booting off a VHD
[00:00] Building 20 and the Channel 9 Studio
[02:12] bcdedit - Booting from partition (physical disk) - osdevice|device: partition=C:
[04:37] "Choose an operating system" - Physical and Virtual boot devices
[06:48] VHD files - *.vhd and *.vhdx
[07:45] Fixed Size and Dynamic Size (file grows to the specified size with use)
[09:27] Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc or Win-X-K
[10:35] bcdedit - Booting from virtual hard disk - osdevice|device: vhd=[D:]\vhd\win10.vhd
[11:55] Larry Larsen visits (briefly)!
[12:45] Windows 10 lets you open the VHD; mounts to the next drive letter. Use Eject to dismount.
[13:37] Disk Management - look like a normal drive (note the different icon)
[14:37] How to install Windows to a VHD - Scott Hanselmen blog
[15:13] Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
[16:18] Use diskpart or Disk Management to make the VHD file
[16:55] Use diskpart to attach (mount) the VHD file during Setup
[17:55] Why the Boot from VHD approach?
[19:50] Downloading Sysinternals Disk2VHD
[19:50] VHD downside - if they don't get booted often, you need to apply lots of update
[19:50] Windows 7 and 8.1 Convenience Rollups
[23:18] Running Sysinternals Disk2VHD
[25:13] Volume Shadow Copy Service
[28:12] (Andrew: Can't find the article I wrote on bcdedit settings - sorry)
[28:41] Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 -- was just a VHD running virtually
[30:47] Questions? Email us at defragtools@microsoft.com
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