SQLServerCallableStatement Members
The following tables list the members that are exposed by the SQLServerCallableStatement class.
Class inherited from: | Methods |
Name | Description |
addBatch | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Adds a set of parameters to the batch of commands for this CallableStatement object. |
cancel | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Cancels the SQL statement that is currently being run by this CallableStatement object. |
clearBatch | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Empties the current list of SQL commands for this CallableStatement object. |
clearParameters | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Clears the current parameter values immediately. |
clearWarnings | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Clears all the warnings that are reported on this CallableStatement object. |
close | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Releases the database and JDBC resources of this CallableStatement object immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released. |
execute | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Runs the SQL statement in this CallableStatement object, which can be any kind of SQL statement. |
executeBatch | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Submits a batch of commands to the database to be run. If all commands run successfully, returns an array of update counts. |
executeQuery | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Runs the SQL query in this CallableStatement object and returns the SQLServerResultSet object that is generated by the query. |
executeUpdate | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Runs the SQL statement in this CallableStatement object, which must be a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, or DELETE statement; or a SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement. |
getConnection | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the SQLServerConnection object that produced this CallableStatement object. |
getDateTimeOffset | Retrieves the value of the specified column as a DateTimeOffset Class object. |
getFetchDirection | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the direction for fetching rows from database tables that is the default for result sets generated from this CallableStatement object. |
getFetchSize | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the number of result set rows that is the default fetch size for result set objects generated from this CallableStatement object. |
getGeneratedKeys | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves any auto-generated keys that are created as a result of running this CallableStatement object. |
getMaxFieldSize | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for character and binary column values in a SQLServerResultSet object produced by this CallableStatement object. |
getMaxRows | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the maximum number of rows that a SQLServerResultSet object produced by this CallableStatement object can contain. |
getMetaData | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Retrieves a SQLServerResultSetMetaData Class object that contains information about the columns of the SQLServerResultSet object that will be returned when this CallableStatement object is run. |
getMoreResults | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Moves to the next result of this CallableStatement object. |
getParameterMetaData | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Retrieves the number, types, and properties of the parameters for this CallableStatement object. |
getArray | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an Array object. |
getAsciiStream | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a stream of ASCII characters. |
getBigDecimal | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as java.math.BigDecimal. |
getBinaryStream | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a binary stream of uninterrupted bytes. |
getBlob | Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC Blob parameter as a Blob object in the Java programming language. |
getboolean | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a Boolean value. |
getByte | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a byte value. |
getBytes | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an array of bytes. |
getCharacterStream | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.io.Reader object. |
getClob | Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC Blob parameter as a Clob object in the Java programming language. |
getDate | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language. |
getDateTimeOffset | Retrieves the value of the specified column as aDateTimeOffset Class object. |
getDouble | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a double in the Java programming language. |
getFloat | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a float in the Java programming language. |
getInt | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an int in the Java programming language. |
getLong | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a long in the Java programming language. |
getNCharacterStream | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a Reader object. |
getNClob | Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC NCLOB parameter as an NClob object in the Java programming language. |
getNString | Retrieves the value of the designated NCHAR, NVARCHAR or LONGNVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language. |
getObject | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an object in the Java programming language. |
getQueryTimeout | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the number of seconds the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server will wait for this CallableStatement object to run. |
getRef | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language. |
getResponseBuffering | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the response buffering mode for this SQLServerStatement object. |
getResultSet | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the current result as a SQLServerResultSet object. |
getResultSetConcurrency | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the result set concurrency for SQLServerResultSet objects that are generated by this CallableStatement object. |
getResultSetHoldability | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the result set holdability for SQLServerResultSet objects that are generated by this CallableStatement object. |
getResultSetType | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the result set type for SQLServerResultSet objects that are generated by this CallableStatement object. |
getShort | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a short in the Java programming language. |
getString | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a String in the Java programming language. |
getSQLXML | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.sql.SQLXML object. |
getTime | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language. |
getTimestamp | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language. |
getUpdateCount | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the current result as an update count. |
getURL | Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a URL object in the Java programming language. |
getWarnings | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Retrieves the first warning that is reported by calls on this CallableStatement object. |
isClosed | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Indicates whether this Statement object has been closed. |
isPoolable | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Returns a value indicating if a statement can be added to the user-provided statement pool. |
isWrapperFor | Indicates whether this statement object is a wrapper for the specified interface. |
registerOutParameter | Registers the OUT parameter. |
setArray | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Sets the designated parameter number to the given Array object. |
setAsciiStream | Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
setBigDecimal | Sets the designated parameter number to the given BigDecimal object. |
setBinaryStream | Sets the designated parameter to the specified input stream. |
setBlob | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object. |
setboolean | Sets the designated parameter to the given Boolean value. |
setByte | Sets the designated parameter to the given byte value. |
setBytes | Sets the designated parameter to the given array of byte values. |
setCharacterStream | Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object. |
setClob | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Sets the designated parameter to the specified object. |
setCursorName | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the SQL cursor name to the given String, which will be used by subsequent execute methods. |
setDate | Sets the designated parameter to the given date value. |
setDateTimeOffset | Sets the value of the column specified to the DateTimeOffset Class value. |
setDouble | Sets the designated parameter to the given double value. |
setEscapeProcessing | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the escape processing mode. |
setFetchDirection | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the direction in which result set rows should be processed. |
setFetchSize | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed. |
setFloat | Sets the designated parameter to the specified float value. |
setInt | Sets the designated parameter to the specified int value. |
setLong | Sets the designated parameter to the specified long value. |
setMaxFieldSize | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the limit for the maximum number of bytes in a SQLServerResultSet column storing character or binary values to the specified number of bytes. |
setMaxRows | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any SQLServerResultSet object can contain to the specified number. |
setNCharacterStream | Sets the designated parameter to the specified Reader object. |
setNClob | Sets the designated parameter to the specified object. |
setNString | Sets the designated parameter to the specified String object. |
setNull | Sets the designated parameter to a null value, given the type of parameter to set. |
setObject | Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object. |
setPoolable | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Requests that a statement be pooled or not pooled. By default, a SQLServerCallableStatement object is poolable when created. |
setQueryTimeout | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a CallableStatement object to run to the specified number of seconds. |
setRef | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Sets the designated parameter to the specified Ref object. |
setResponseBuffering | (Inherited from SQLServerStatement.) Sets the response buffering mode for this SQLServerStatement object to case-insensitive String full or adaptive. |
setShort | Sets the designated parameter to the specified short value. |
setString | Sets the designated parameter to the specified Java String value. |
setSQLXML | Sets the designated parameter to the specified SQLXML object. |
setTime | Sets the designated parameter to the specified time value. |
setTimestamp | Sets the designated parameter to the specified timestamp value. |
setUnicodeStream | (Inherited from SQLServerPreparedStatement.) Sets the designated parameter number to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
setURL | Sets the designated parameter to the specified URL value. |
unwrap | Returns an object that implements the specified interface to allow access to the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server-specific methods. |
wasNull | Retrieves whether the last OUT parameter read had the value of SQL NULL. |
Class inherited from: | Methods |
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement | addBatch, clearBatch, clearParameters, close, execute, executeBatch, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getMetaData, getParameterMetaData, setArray, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setboolean, setByte, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setClob, setDate, setDouble, setFloat, setInt, setLong, setNull, setObject, setRef, setShort, setString, setTime, setTimestamp, setUnicodeStream, setURL |
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement | cancel, clearWarnings, execute, executeUpdate, getConnection, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getGeneratedKeys, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getMoreResults, getQueryTimeout, getResultSet, getResultSetConcurrency, getResultSetHoldability, getResultSetType, getUpdateCount, getWarnings, isPoolable, setCursorName, setEscapeProcessing, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setPoolable, setQueryTimeout |
class java.lang.Object | clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, |
java.sql.PreparedStatement | addBatch, clearParameters, execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getMetaData, getParameterMetaData, getSQLXML, setArray, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setboolean, setByte, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setClob, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setFloat, setInt, setLong, setNull, setObject, setRef, setShort, setString, setSQLXML, setTime, setTimestamp, setUnicodeStream, setURL |
java.sql.Statement | addBatch, cancel, clearBatch, clearWarnings, close, execute, executeBatch, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getConnection, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getGeneratedKeys, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getMoreResults, getQueryTimeout, getResultSet, getResultSetConcurrency, getResultSetHoldability, getResultSetType, getUpdateCount, getWarnings, setCursorName, setEscapeProcessing, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setQueryTimeout |
java.sql.Wrapper | isWrapperFor, unwrap |