700 XP

Preview Azure deployment changes by using what-if

Solution Architect
Azure CLIs
Azure Resource Manager

Preview the effects of your deployments. Understand the types of changes detected by the what-if operation. Deploy your templates using incremental and complete mode.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Describe the two deployment modes in Azure and their effects.
  • Use the what-if operation to preview changes and their effects before you deploy.


You should be familiar with:

  • Creating and deploying basic ARM templates, using either Bicep or JSON.
  • Azure, including the Azure portal, subscriptions, resource groups, and resource definitions.

To follow along with the exercises in the module, you need:

Module assessment

Assess your understanding of this module. Sign in and answer all questions correctly to earn a pass designation on your profile.

Take the module assessment